Chapter 11

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Nothing was heard or said it all just happened too quick to comprehend or explain.

Bruce went first charging at the purple titan in his iron suit but he fell through and into the side of a cliff where he merged with it. Steve who was simply pushed to the side. T'challa, caught by the throat a punch to the head had him collided the ground. Sam flew in guns blazing a wave of power hits him taking out his wings and leaving him at the titan's feet. He simply steps over him. Rhodey with every weapon in his arsenal the suit curls into itself and falls out of the sky. (Y/n) cries as her dad. Like the soldier, he is he charges gun blazing no questions but like everyone else, he is tossed to the side. Then Okoye and Natasha. And Groot, who finally arrived to assist, had his roots ripped from him.

Steve comes back fighting as hard as he possibly can with all his strength he catches his fist. For a moment Thanos is shocked such a human could bear such power to fade him this human was so determined. But he quickly got over it going back to the task at hand he knocks him out and steps over his unconscious body.

"Let us suffer in peace. Do not sentence half to death and the rest to grieve. Let us suffer in peace" (y/n) says as she runs into his path tears streaming down her face had raised up high as if to stop him. " we did not ask for this, the universe did not ask for this."

He stops and looks down at the little human in his way, this little girl, this brave little girl. Just like his little girl. " The Universe is overpopulated, unbalanced"

"No one asked for you to balance it. What's the point of being balanced and struck down by grieve of those who were picked as dead weight. I'd rather be unbalanced and happy than balanced and alone."

"You do not understand child"

"no, it is you who do not understand. If the universe wanted everything balanced it would have done so. It was never meant to be balanced. It does not want to be balanced. You are not natural selection." Water started to surround and pool at her feet. " I am (Y/n) Odinson Barnes. The Goddess of water, Mischief, and cuteness. Protector or light. Defender of life. The Undying. I am the mother of all waters. And I will not stand as you play the hand of God. I AM (Y/N) AND I WILL FIGHT WITH MY DYING BREATHE"

Throwing her trident with all her might with strength she did and did not have. And he caught just as it reached his eye.

"Impressive," he says tossing it to the side. "But you're a child. You don't understand and you shouldn't be fighting. No matter what you call yourself. " Whimpers as he picks her up by her wrist and brings her up to face him.

"I am Avenger"

"You're a child."

A sudden blast causes him to drop her and slide back. They both look up to see Wanda hunched over crying and Vision gone. He slowly walks to her surrounded by this sickly calmness.

"I understand my child"

"You could never" she cries she closes her eyes as he raises his hand, he gently pets her.

"Today I lost more than you could ever know. But now is not the time to mourn"

"You did not lose her. You killed her" (Y/n) whispered still staring at the place where Vision once was as tears stream down her face. His steps flatter but he does not turn around. Going to where Vision once was his gauntlet gloves green (y/n) gasps as she realizes what's happening. She watches as Vision is suddenly pieced back together again. Breathing. Wanda gets up but is flung backward through the air. She watches in horror as he plunges his fat meaty purple fingers into his head and rips out the stone. And she is absolutely petrified as it touches his gauntlet.

He flexes his fingers for a moment admiring his stones, admiring his handy work. Taking a moment to relish in the years worth of work. (y/n)'s eye blurred as tears filled them. This man held death in his hand.

(Y/n) cried out and threw herself down on her stomach covering her head as a powerful lightning strike struck down Thanos. It was so powerful she could feel the static dance across her skin. Looking up she saw Thanos, who had flown back a great amount due to the powerful blast, with a scold on his face. He threw up a shield as something strong came flying at him. Breaking through his shield it pierced his chest.

(Y/n) lips twitched up in a small smile as she recognized Thor's brand new Axe sticking out of his chest. As if on queue Thor flew down right in front of the purple man down on his knees. Grasping the back of his neck with one hand Thor pushed the ax a little further into his chest.

"I told you, you'd die for that"

Something was wrong. She didn't feel good she didn't feel like they had won. She felt a win before but this felt nothing like it this was something different. Her small smile slipped off her face as she heard his final words.

"You should've gone for the head"

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