Chapter 12

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She gasps the light blinding her for a moment and the sudden shock knocking the wind out of her. She hears a high pitch deafening ringing in her ear. Her knees buckle and she falls forward on her face. Looking up she sees Thor standing over Thanos "What have you done" she hears him scream in the distance. Suddenly Thanos is gone and Thor is left grasping the air.

Getting to her feet she stubbles and sways as she looks for her father she finds him. He looks at his fingers strange, as his skin starts to flake up and fall off.

"Daddy," she says he looks up confused and in a daze. It was as if time itself had stopped at that moment everything became clear as he looked at her. His voice was loud and clear she could hear the confusion in his gentle voice"(y/n)?" he suddenly falls to the ground in a pile of dust and that's when all hell breaks loose for her.

She falls to her knees struggling to breathe as she becomes light-headed. She feels a sudden tingling feeling course through her body and heavy pain in her chest. She whimpers as she falls back and her vision fades to something else.

She crawling she doesn't feel her legs. Their vision is red due to the goggles they're wears. they rip and pulls at the forest floor as they crawl to safety that they can not and will not reach because it does not exist. They start to give up as the feeling in their stomach starts to fade to. They get one last look at their fingerless glove as their dark skin turns to dust and her vision black. In the end, she hears someone called their name.


"This is no place to die," they say in a deep voice as they offer a hand to Okoye but just as she takes it she falls back because there is no longer anything to grasp. She does not miss the look of absolute horror as she fades nothing.

They slouch back taking a seat on a fallen tree. They feel it, they knew it's coming. They look up to see Rocket stumbling forward with his hands up" oh, no. No." he softly cries. They look at him vision becoming blurry with tears they speak

"I am Groot" (dad).


Their crying as they softly stroke vision's corpse his pale gray face that once was a beautiful red pigment and glow. Her vision blurry as tears spills falling gently on his face. Then they see it their skin starts to flakes and fall away. They sigh in content as they slowly fade into dust. Finally away from pain

They feel it first a tingle they immediately know something wrong and looks to the others for an explanation. They all seem clueless to the danger or don't know what's coming. " Something is happening" but they fade to dust before they could warn them any further.

They watch as a woman with Antennas is first to fade. They turn to a man in a red leather jacket, Tony, and Dr. Strange. They look down to find their fading gray skin them looks up again her final words in a deep yet shaky voice.



They watch the man with gray skin fall to nothing they turn to Tony and in a deep yet whiny voice they say.

"Oh man".

Their eyes burn with unshed tears they play with the charm on their bracelet. She recognizes it as one of the many charms on her bracelet on her real body. They look up and sees Tony Standing in front of them looking absolutely hurt, betrayed, and scared.

"Why?" he asks voice cracking a bit

"Tony, there was no other way..." they say in a voice she recognized to be Dr. Strange's. He felt the tingle too but doesn't fight or fear it like the others but he doesn't accept it either. "... we're in the endgame now"

This one was different this one felt different it didn't tingle it freakin' burned it was hot. Their heart was beating in their ears they could feel her blood pumping through her veins. They looked down in their Iron Spider-Suit, Their Spider-Man, She's Peter, she dying, Peter's dying. Oh no.

The burning sensation gets worse. They start to feel light headed and hears a high pitch ringing. They stumble forward falling into Tony's arms as they cry "Mr. Stark! I don't feel so good ... I don't know what's happening" They look up crying Tony's mouth is moving but they can't hear anything she is saying. She wraps her arms around his shoulders as the burning sensation takes over their legs and their knees buckle as they slowly and painfully start to fade. They take Tony down with her. Looking down she sees the lower half of his body starts to fade.

"Please, I don't wanna... I don't wanna go..." they see the look on his face hurt, sadness, and regret. So much regret. "I'm sorry".

And wit thus final words they turn his head so Tony can't see him in absolute agony as a final memory.


The others were gathered around Vision's corpse as they all slowly realized their defeat. Bruce was the first to notice. It was her foot he saw first behind a bush. Walking over in his crumbling Hulk Buster he gasped as he saw her body. "GUYS" he screams as he climbs out of the iron suit and drops to his knees not caring about the pain, he cradles her in his lap " GUYS, HELP" he screams voice cracking in between. Everyone, everyone who is left, rushes to his aid and fins him cradling (y/n).

Her eyes were completely white, blood dripping from her nose and down her lips. And her skin, oh her poor skin, it was so cracked, shattered, and falling apart he looked like a broken purslane doll. She was shaking violently in Bruce's arms as she gasped for air.

"Something is happening...Quill... Oh man.... there was no other way"

Everyone was shocked at the many voice's that seemed to escape her all at once. They didn't understand the words she was speaking or why.

"It's the bracelet," Thor said softly but everyone heard.

"what?" Bruce asked he was in tears watching his young friend in pain.

"It's witchcraft. The charms on her bracelet represent people. For every charm that disappears a person is gone and she... she feels their fading. Friends are dying and she feels their pain." Looking at her bracelet Okoye reaches forward to snatch it off but pulls back as she feels a burning sensation she raises her hand to show the burns. " You can't take it off. She had to go through it... It's magic. There is nothing we can do" His voices cracks as he watches her whither in agony like everyone else and not doing anything about it.

Using his sleeve Bruce wipes the blood from her nose but more spills out he chokes as blood starts to come from her eyes as well. No one flinches as Bruce lets out an inhuman roar nor did they note the faint green in his skin they just let him cry. Suddenly she stops snaking and arches her back before dropping back down.

"I don't feel so good," she says in a deep voice. This time Natasha wipes her tears " I don't wanna... I don't wanna go ... I'm sorry" She fell unconscious in Bruce's arms.

And Just like that they finally broke down altogether in a group of tears. Earth's Mightiest heroes defeated.

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