11. one chance

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"Y/N!" I said as I grabbed her shoulder. I tried to turn her towards me but she was bolted in her place. She removed my hand and kept walking.

"I'm sorry." I said as I walked beside her with the same speed. I got no response from her.

"I feel like such an idiot."

"Well maybe you are?" She told me with a low voice as she looks up at me and continues walking without looking at me.

We spent 5 minutes walking together in silence in the middle of the busy street.

"I think you need more than 5 hours to get over something like that, what you did, Ari. I'm sorry but I don't want to be treated like a fix to your broken wounds."  She says as we we're only a house away from her place.

"I told you I'll come back."

"What do you mean? 5 hours of not knowing what went wrong, then come back immediately like, issa prank?"

"You said no then let's just end it here. You're the one who stopped it anyway."

She turns and walks faster to her house, I stopped her while she unlocked her door as I yelled her name and held her hand but she snapped it out of mine.

"Don't treat me like this." She says as she opens the door and smashes it in my face before I got to say something I heard her keys fumble and lock the door as I place my forehead on the door.

"Such an idiot." I said as I slapped myself and turned back and went to my house with a train of thought of what I could do to get one last chance from her.

I opened my phone as I got home.

2 PM.

She should be having lunch right now... I'm starving but I can't eat anything right now. I just want to close my eyes and sleep.

I just want to wake up... I wish that this whole morning was just a dream and that none of it ever happened, but it wasn't.

I decided to just eat some leftover food from the fridge after I heated it in the microwave. After I ate I just went upstairs and went on my bed. But I can't sleep, I could only think and keep wishing things didn't go the way they we're.

3 hours pass, I should be holding her right now, having her face in my hands while I kiss her, but no. I'm an idiot and I ruined what we had for just some paranoid thought of me not getting over someone.

I decided to message her and go outside to buy flowers for her so I opened my phone and called her. Straight to voicemail.

"Give me one chance."

"I don't want what we had to end."

I showered and got dressed as I went outside to buy some blue flowers for her.

After I paid for the flowers, I got a card and wrote "I'm sorry. Right now you're the best chance I have in safety in my life."

I went to her place as I ringed the door bell.

No response.

I did it a couple more times as I waited for 5 minutes for her to go downstairs.

There was a mailbox beside her door so I just wrote in the note to check her mailbox and I slid it under her door. I placed the flowers inside the mailbox and left.

I know she was avoiding me, but I'll do whatever it takes for another chance.

I never got a response from her in my messages but I didn't lose hope, I know that I can still turn this around.

One day passes and I decided that I'll send her some more flowers with a note on it saying "I love you and I'm not an idiot for loving you." The flowers were yellow, like in Chasing Fire.

As I got back to her place I did the same thing again and when I opened the mailbox, I noticed she took the flowers.

The next day passes and I did everything again, but still no responses in texts and no visits from her nor any time she let me in her place. I felt like I was losing hope, but I like her so much, and I'm afraid of losing another person again just to paranoia, not trusting myself fully.

Today was different though.

I bought flowers and I wrote a note like usual, went to her place and did everything again. I rung the doorbell for the last time just for luck.

"What the hell am I even doing?" I said as I turned back but I heard her open the door, this time, I turned back around with a smile on my face instead of a frown.


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I'm sorry if the plot starts to become lazy and cliché like! I promise it'll get better soon!

(DISCONTINUED) blue boy. // Lauv x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now