15. i cant tell you how much i love him

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"I want you to be my little secret but I'd love to have a future where we can publicly hold each other's hands with people knowing that you're mine." I told Ari as he held me close, playing with my hair. "I'm ready for that future, I'm just wondering if you were too." He kissed my forehead, and hugged me tighter. "I'm ready."

Ari ate two slices of pizza, and so did I. We all talked about how James and Sara's relationship were from a fairytale, and how it's impossible that they're so perfect or each other.

"Enough about us, lets talk about cough the new cough couple." Sara exaggerates while she smirks.

"I bet they're already thinking of marriage. Look at them! They're already stuck to each other like glue! Jesus, guys!" I looked down while my cheeks flushed red as I could feel Ari smile and hold me even tighter.

"Why wouldn't I hold her close? She's so perfect that I'm scared that someone will just take her away from me." I rolled my eyes as I tried to remove his arms from my body to say that what he just said was the cheesiest thing ever.

I scoot over to the opposite direction and we just laughed as we eventually got close to each other again after a few jokes.

"So how are you guys?" Sara asks with a smile, taking another bite of her pizza.

"We're... Good." Ari pauses and looked at me and smiled before continuing his sentence, keeping his gaze on me. We locked our eyes, set on each other's faces. I placed my head on his shoulder and we returned our gaze to the couple sitting in front of us.

"Hmn... I'm sensing an argument happened, but... Let's not get into that." Sara says as James nodded alongside with her, saying his thoughts about it was okay to have arguments and the life advice that he always spat.

"Yeah, but if we excluded that part, everything is magical, and the fact that Ari exists is just... Wow. I just couldn't believe my best friend knows Lauv." We laughed together as I felt Ari look behind for a split second.

"I knew you guys were perfect for each other because both of you are such hopeless romantics."

"I just don't want to be alone, okay?" I told Sara with a smile as Ari just smiles and laughs.

"She's perfect, there's no reason to not think she is." Ari comments, as he drinks some water. His left arm still on my shoulder, making sure I was close to him.

"Pfft, you'll regret saying that, I swear." I jokingly added, Sara completely disagreeing with what I said. An annoyed Ari removes his arm from my shoulder while he rolled his eyes.

"Ari, if you're gonna marry this woman, you have to get used to her crippling low self esteem." James says, looking directly at Ari with an annoyed look.

"I can't change someone if they're really like that. Even so, she's still the best and that's according to me. Ari mothereffing Leff."

"WOAH ARI CENSORED HIS CUSS?!" Sara and James looked at each other, shocked.

"Y/N WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ARI?! HE'S SUCH A BABY NOW." James exclaims, we were all laughing as Ari did a peace sign and gave us a smile.

"The only thing I told him is to be family friendly

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"The only thing I told him is to be family friendly... I didn't change him a whole lot! Don't blame me for that! Personally, it's cute on him." I feel Ari's hand slither to mine and we intertwined them together.

"They truly are newlyweds... They beat us to it and they've only been together for like 1 week... Maybe we should step up our game?" James told Sara as he looked at us with a challenging look.

"Haha yeah right, you guys already wo-"

"Hi! Oh my God! I'm such a big fan of you!" Someone interrupts me as she taps Ari's shoulder.

"Thanks so much! I can have a picture with you if that's cool with you. Thank you so damn much for supporting me!  It means a lot!" Ari faces her directly.

"If that's alright with you, thank you!" Ari looks at me as he lets go of my hand and walks out to take a picture with her.

They were only a few feet away from us so we could hear their conversation. I tried not to, because privacy of course. But I just had to think about one specific thing.

"Is she your girlfriend?"

"I...haha... Yeah, she is." Ari stutters a bit while answering. After that I decided to not listen anymore. They said their good byes as the girl went to her table and Ari came back to ours.

"I think... I think our relationship isn't gonna be that private anymore." Ari says to the pizza lover group, I became silent, not knowing what to say.

" Ari says to the pizza lover group, I became silent, not knowing what to say

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(DISCONTINUED) blue boy. // Lauv x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now