Chapter One- The Liar

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A/N: Ok for this I might include little snips of the 77th and the 78th class, so obviously request ships for those quick cameos and also for this the v3 cast would be the 79th class of Hope's Peak Academy and 1st years at the time 78th aka Naegi's class is in the second year and the 77th class also known as the class with Komaeda since Hinata is a reserve course least until I gave him the talent Ultimate Future woohoo! Hinata has a talent!

I can't believe it...I am actually late! I was running for dear life towards my first period class. It wasn't exactly my fault being in this predicament...yesterday Akamatsu dragged me to a party where some of our upperclassmen had and invited me to join the "Ahoge Club" with two other upperclassmen. Whatever that meant. I am also pretty sure Yonaga has slipped something into the punch bowl which is the reason why I refused every single drink I was offered, which is why it was my job to drag most of my classmates home. Great. I also made the mistake of forgetting to do some of the case work my uncle had assigned me and he had banned me from sleeping until I completed it after all I needed to earn my talent. 

So I ended up going to hour was I supposed to know school had started ten minutes ago when I was passed out from exhaustion? At least how was I supposed to know till my uncle had shaken awake shoved a piece of toast in my hand and shoved me out the door with my school supplies. And here we are now. Me running for my life because Ms Yukizome was really cracking the whip after apparently experiencing both the 77th and the 78th class. I guess you can only fill out so much paperwork for property damage before it drives someone crazy.

I opened the door quietly as I carefully stepped inside the classroom Akamatsu immediately waved me over "your late Saihara, was it because of Yonaga's extra 'ingredient'?" I groaned "that was actually the thing that took the shortest time,  I for once procrastinated like you guys said I should due to prove I am actually a teenager. I hated it" Akamatsu laughed "well you should tell Momota that I doubt they will believe it though to be honest" I sighed "do you think Ms Yukizome noticed I was late?" she shook her head "no she is busy dealing with Shinguji's séance in the hallway and Yonaga demanding for her to be the new student council leader, I think she's losing though since I won class rep..." I sighed at the memory when the results came out and Yonaga just sighed saying this was what Atua had decreed. That was the answer to life. Atua.

"Settle down guys, we can express ourselves through property damage after school hours" Ms Yukizome proclaimed, she seemed happier than usual "we got a new student today! They had to miss school for a few months due to an....incident, you can come in now" she called as a short kid with purple hair with a matching eye color grinned. His clothing reminded me of a straightjacket and he wore a checkered bandana around his neck. He was unnaturally pale and a lot thinner than most people I had seen, his eyes also had bags under it as if he had just survived he** but his grin said something different. He also...was short.

"I'm Kokichi Ouma, the ultimate supreme leader" Iruma looked at him "how many members does it f*ckin have?" (Ah Iruma...time to break out the swear words more than ever) Ouma's grin seemed to fade for just a brief second that thanks to my talent I noticed but I bet everyone else didn't "I have over a ten thousand members you sl*t" and Iruma immediately grew nervous at the insult as I turned to Ms Yukizome who looked at Ouma concerned "take your seat it's next between Saihara and Kibo, can you to stand up please?" I did and Ouma just nodded sitting in between us. 

Lunch then started and everyone seemed to crowd around Ouma "yo nice to meet you Ouma my name is Kaito Momota I am the ultimate astronaut I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out with my sidekicks Maki Harukawa the ultimate assassin and Shuichi Saihara the ultimate detective" Ouma laughed "why would I want to hang out with an idiot like you?" and Momota just stared at them "what the he** was that for?" Ouma just smiled. One by one everyone just left them alone, even Akamatsu though she seemed to keep an eye on him and even I just glanced at him every once in a while.

Relatively after that the day just seemed to fly by as it always does till for some reason Ms Yukizome called me to stay after class, "Saihara can you stay for a bit?" I nodded confused as the rest of the class left. Ms Yukizome then shut the door and sighed "did I do something wrong Ms?" I asked after all this was probably about her catching me being late earlier...right? She nodded, "I'm sorry to call you out on this but I need you to help me with something.." I raised an eyebrow "ok...what do you need help with?" she then sat down "I suggest you only tell this to your immediate friend group, I have been given directions not to mention it at all but I can tell not having someone else know will not end well" what is she even talking about?

"You see...Kokichi Ouma has been hospitalized after an accident...and that is the reason they haven't been at school till today" I felt my eyes widen "but he's ok now...I don't understand did anyone else get hurt or-" Ms Yukizome just nodded, "sit down this is a lot to digest..." I did and she just looked down on her desk.

"You see Ouma was the leader of a group of pranksters at their old school with only ten members not including him...small crimes that are rarely acknowledged...this group was called D.I.C.E, you see....a while ago Ouma had taken them all for a drive I hear...some students who had been pranked by the group had messed with the van they drive around...I imagine they thought that the members would notice before driving around anywhere but they didn't...the van ended up getting into a severe accident...five members died at the scene...another two plus Ouma were hospitalized...Ouma I hear was in a coma for a few weeks...the other two hospitalized members died...and the three members that survived were harassed for the incident...and I hear they ended up ending their Ouma who has only recently woken up has just lost all of his friends...they think he's fine the doctors say he's fine but I can tell he isn't...I just was could try to be his friend? I heard from others who warned me that he has been a strong liar since the incident and no one can tell what he's really thinking and there is only so much I can do as a teacher...but please...can you try to be his friend...?" I nodded "I-I'll try...but why me? Why not Akamatsu or Momota...?" she sighed "cause I think they wouldn't be able to notice the little details like you do...and I hope this will also help you make more friends and be more open...I guess we will see though huh?" she gave me a small smile as I quickly left the room needing to comprehend what I just heard.

A/N: Hooray Panta chapter one has been released! Tell me what you think in the comments below and YES this is the same DICE from my Life of a Liar series in case you are wondering but this is their fates in an alternate universe where the killing game never is going to happen. I hope you enjoyed though I can't wait to keep going with this series!

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