Chapter Seventeen- My mistake

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I barely made it a block before my phone started ringing and I picked it up, it was from Tsumugi "hello-?"


My eyes widened as I pressed it to speaker, "WHAT HAPPENED?" I could hear noise on the other end from what seemed like two people arguing, "I don't know! He kept screaming over and over again 'he doesn't love me'! I think he's gone crazy! Please come and help me Saihara I think he's going to kill someone!" way...I couldn't believe this...

Just the fact he managed to escape the hospital was startling enough...but the fact he went insane according to Tsumugi just because I was dating Akamatsu? This can't be real....

"Stay calm ok? I'm coming, where are you?" I asked and I heard the yelling growing louder "a-at his warehouse oh please help me Shuichi!" I nodded and I noticed she hung up after that.

Huh...that's think she would keep the call going so I could hear what's going on the other end....I stopped questioning Tsumugi and took off in a sprint towards Ouma's base.

I was approaching when I realized how quiet it was...that's weird....I got closer when I heard a gunshot go off and I tried opening the door- locked. Oh look one of the windows broke! I didn't care how it broke as I crawled through to see.....Maki's dead it's true....he really has gone insane.....I fought back tears of betrayal as I looked at the scene more, Ouma seemed to be carrying a gun and Tsumugi was on the ground with a wound to the leg.

"HELP! HELP ME! HE'S TRYING TO KILL ME!" Tsumugi screamed in terror as Ouma turned around confused "what are you doing-?" I interrupted him my rage getting to me.

"Ouma?" I turned around to see Saihara...."WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Ouma looked at the scene before us and dropped the gun, "Saihara I swear it's not what it looks like!"

"DON'T LISTEN TO HIM! HE'S LYING! HE'S TRYING TO TRICK YOU AGAIN!" Tsumugi screamed and Ouma shot her a look. No way....I was hoping so much that this would be some kind of prank...

"Why Ouma....WHY DID YOU KILL MAKI?" I screamed at him and Ouma stumbled back, "Saihara please listen to me, I didn't kill her it was-" I shook my head "I didn't ask for any da** excuses Ouma I asked for answers!"

Ouma continued to act innocent "but I-" I silenced him with my hand, "I wish Ms Yukizome never asked me to help you...I wish I never even bothered to talk to you...because of my mistake my friends are DEAD" I walked over to Tsumugi and helped her up as Ouma eyes widened.

"Please just let me explain Saihara-" I shook my head "I'M DONE OUMA! Ok? I tried to help you, I tried to be your friend and all I got in return was backlash from you! I wish I hadn't bothered at all!" Ouma continued to panic as I looked over at Tsumugi who was expressionless.

"Saihara it wasn't me it was Tsumugi! " he started again "NO OUMA! NO EXCUSES! You killed people out of jealousy you cruel monster! Your blaming an innocent person to cover up what you did on top of that! I'm sorry for what happened to your friends but I am NOT going to stand around and allow you to take out your anger on other people ok?"

Ouma attempted to follow me, "please just listen-" I kicked him back as he stumbled onto the floor, "I wanted to love you Ouma.....but now I can't because you finally made me aware of the cruel person you are going to be alone Ouma..because no one will ever want to be your friend.....goodbye" I left with Tsumugi and headed outside to call the police.

I never should have fallen for a liar. I never should have befriended him. My mistake.

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