Chapter Nine- Praise Atua

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                             tired....WAIT A SECOND! I opened my eyes to find myself on the old couch of the warehouse and a note. Oh shoot me bawlling my eyes out to Saihara wasn't a dream after all.....oh fun....also why does it feel like my birthday lasted for two months? And why do I hear the demolishing a wall? Meh.

I got up and stretched. Ok forget Saihara and how he might have snooped around here, I have a b*tch or b*stard to deal with. I gritted my teeth as I glanced at the letter which seemed untouched and in the same place.

Maybe Saihara didn't search the place after all, if so lucky me. I sighed, all I got is a letter and a time limit to figure out who murdered my friends...other than me for I guesd being a brat to someone.

I didn't even know where to start? I mean it's been months since the accident so I'm guessing they must have cleared all of the evidence by now. Great...come on there has to be know what desperate times call for desperate measures.

I groaned to myself for even trying but I got down to my knees and put my hands together in prayer, "oh whoever the heck you are Atua, please help me find the b*tch or b*stard who killed my friends cause they deserve what's coming to them, in...Atua's name...uh...amen" .....ok nothing looks like Yonaga is crazy after all- wait a second....that piece of hair wasn't there before....

I picked up the *bleep* piece of *bleep* hair. I then looked around. Holy sh*t the Atua thing is real....I got to thank Yonaga later for spewing out his name every minute when I go back to school.

I examined the hair on the letter and quickly sealed it in a ziplock bag so it wouldn't get lost hopefully. I grinned at the hair. Well at least I know that they are a *bleep* now....and they have *bleep* hair.

"Hey Ouma you awake?" I felt myself pale as I quicly hid the bag with the hair under the couch cushion as Saihara entered. I glanced at him "I don't know I only have my eyes wide open and I am staring right at you course I'm still sleeping"

Saihara rolled his eyes "sorry, anyways you doing ok?" Oh no....he's going to turn into a therapist!  I nodded "yeah, what you think I'm going to hang myself at any minute?"

Saihara's eyes widened "WHAT? NO!" I got up "then go home Saihara!" I tried pushing him out the door like I did the day before but he stood his ground and grabbed me by the wrist.

"Hey let go!" He shook his head "no you have to go to school as well, what you think I forgot? You bailed yesterday and the whole class searched for you" I rolled my eyes while struggling.

"I GOT MORE IMPORTANT THINGS THAN SCHOOL RIGHT NOW!" Saihara faced me "what? What is more important?" Oh shoot...lying to the rescue!

"Anime." Saihara just stared at me, "yeah your going to school" I groaned and pratically started fighting him the whole way there but he was surprisingly strong for a could be emo detective.

"Your going to regret this!" I yell at him but Saihara just rolls his eyes, "you arent a child Ouma and your excuse wasn't even good, come on at least come so the other's know your still ok and actually MEET them instead of making fun of them"

"I promise nothing!" I screamed until we finally got to school where Saihara loosens his grip.

I immediatly free my wrist and rub it "geez Saihara chan your strong" Saihara seemed unfazed. I guess I might as well just show up at school now. I mean what would be the point of not going? I litterally am here anyway and I might find clues. Also need to thank Yonaga for introducing me to Atua.

"Does this mean your going to go to class today?" Saihara asked, did he read my mind? This doesn't even make sense for the plot if he does! "Yeah, otherwise the person who claims to be your 'sidekick' is going to drag me in on your command probably" Saihara rolled his eyes and we both entered the building.

See? I can remember I jave a job to do!

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