Chapter Sixteen: The Showdown

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The one who killed my friends
The one who forced Harukawa to work for her
The one who killed Harukawa
The one who made my life he**

Tsumugi Shirogane.

Her? Really? It was HER of all people? Seriously she is so boring I would have guessed everyone but Saihara before this b*tch.

"Aww you look disappointed to see me Ouma! Was I really that plain? If it helps I may or may not have brought some...entertainment" I gritted my teeth "I wouldn't care if you had the f*cking fountain of youth! YOU B*TCH!" I looked around the room for a weapon, I know exactly who they are now I can't waste this! I need to call the cops!

"You know it's rude to ignore people who are talking to you, and to ignore the present I prepared for you! Oh and I forgot about her for a second, please excuse the interruption darling" Shirogane then removed a CD and a detonater from her bag, "honestly she should be grateful I am cutting them some slack" I looked at the detonater confused, she going to hurt someone with that?! All of a sudden Harukawa's orphanage flew in my head before my eyes widened.

"WAIT! STOP DON'T DO IT!" I started running towards Shirogane trying to stop her from pressing the detonater but she managed to and tossed it behind her, "oops looks like we lost the orphans, looks like Disney is going to need to make stories for people with parents now!"

She killed them...she killed them all...and she's smiling....what the f*ck is wrong with her? "Go to he**!" I yelled and Shirogane laughed, "yeah I don't think so buster" she then pulled a large gun out on me and raised the CD "now where's a dvd player, you freaks must have had one in your psycho ward" I gritted my teeth. I have to follow what she says for now till I can get the evidence out of here and to the cops...then it can finally be over...

"What is that?" I asked and Shirogane gave me a creepy smile, "just something I really thought you would like, I've been waiting so long for this day I had to get everything just right!" She grinned as I glanced to where my laptop was, good she doesn't notice it's there.....

"Aww you seriously don't have one do you? Well good thing I prepared well for this" Shirogane then opened her bag that I just now noticed she had and took out her own laptop and popped in the CD, "come on sit, unless you want to die" that's Harukawa's phrase not yours b*tch.

Shirogane grinned at me and clicked for the video to play..... saw the van and I immediately knew what she was showing me, she...she....recorded it....she recorded the whole thing......

"Here we go!" I saw the van swerving and I could hear everybody screaming as the memories replayed over and over in my head and I fought myself not to cry. I would not give her the pleasure of knowing how much this affected me.

"Let's rewind again shall we?" Shirogane said and I resisted the urge to punch her as I looked around for an escape oppuritiny "I SAID WATCH" I felt Shirogane force my head to the screen.

Wait....I noticed then to see the car that made us unable to try and avoid hitting the gate bridge......there was a certain navy haired boy inside....IS THAT SAIHARA? He...he was there......he was there when it all happened.....does he even know? It looks like he's moving from all the suitcases I see strapped to the top of way...he probably doesn't even realize...

But he was also a reason...if he hadn't been on that side of the road....we wouldn't have fallen off the bridge...we would have just crashed on the middle or somewhere else...we might have been able to avoid crashing all was his fault...

The scene changed to the old school rooftop...I could see one of my friends! I saw the camera drawing closer to them as they turned around confused "hey what are you-AAAAAHHHHH!" Whoever was handing the camera pushed them off the rooftop while managing to grab their shoes in the process before placing them down and leaving a note......

I looked at Shirogane unable to contain my rage "oh yeah I forgot about that one, yeah they were so STUBBORN, always acting as if they could move past or move on like the other two all I needed to do was covince the school they didn't need pity- not that hard and that tgey deserves to suffer, and bada bing bada bang they both hung up due to pressure, literally, but THEY were so stubborn I basically had to push them off myself"

That's it...that's the final straw....Im DONE! I didn't care about my safety anymore or the fact thar killing her would make me a murderer I just lunged at her and started grasping her throat "YOU MONSTER, YOU PSYCHOPATHIC B*TCH! GO TO HE**!"

Shirogane struggled against me before aiming her gun at my shoulder and pulling the trigger and in my pain I lessened my grip causing her to escape and quickly stood up.

"Oh wow who knew Ouma was a murderer, not that I'm that surprised to be honest, you always were a piece of sh*t"

"WHAT DID THEY EVEN DO TO YOU?" I screamed and her face turned stone cold, "YOU, you happened to me Kokichi Ouma, I just wanted to fit in at school when I moved to this pathetic town and on the first day you pranked me, doused me in panta and laughed with those others rejects! And if that wasn't enough the other kids avoided me because they thought I belonged in the gutters like YOU! And you wouldn't stop with your dumb pranks and inviting me! I LOST EVERYTHING BECAUSE THEY ALL THOUGHT I WAS A FREAK LIKE YOU!"

My memories recollected me trying to greet a new kid back in first grade only for them to ignore me...."REALLY? THAT'S IT? THAT'S THE STUPID REASON?" Shirogane just sighed until I heard some noise from outside and she grinned pointing the gun at herself and shooting her leg screaming as she tossed her gun at me, "HELP! HELP ME! HE'S TRYING TO KILL ME!"

"What are you doing-?"

"Ouma?" I turned around to see Saihara...."WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

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