Chapter Thirteen- Life Sucks.

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"I thought you and Kaede are dating"
F*CK! (Inspired by my readers with their excellent responses last chapter)

"Uh Ouma....are you ok?" Saihara asked as Akamatsu stood next to him confused. I should have known he was taken...and even if he wasn't he would never like me.

"Yeah I'm fine! Don't worry about me!" I grinned hoping he wouldn't catch the lie, Saihara looked relieved "oh thank goodness, anyways I have to go help Yumeno stop Yonaga from rebelling against a church for not worshipping Atua" ....well that's convenient.

"See you later Saihara" I called and he left with Akamatsu trailing behind him giving me a thumbs up I guess to cheer me up. Darn you making him a heterosexual. The second they left the room I grabbed a pillow and screamed into it.

Why...why....why can't anything good happen? Why does anything I ask for never happen...why can't I ever get lucky....what did I do so wrong that the world had to punish me by taking away anything I cared about and making everything else in my life he** I flicked away tears starting in my eyes.

This is karma isn't it....for trying to make new friends...for getting you guys involved with my actions and getting you killed.....isn't it? I felt myself trying not to sob.

I wiped away my tears again and shook my head. Forget it. Forget trying. This is just a wake up call...I can't move on...I can't try and forget what happened...I need to focus and finding them and...I looked at the side table to see a little black device there.

Is that a bug....wait...I grabbed the bug and inspected it, looked like it could capture images and sound. They were listening in....they know I like Saihara....wait...what if they hurt I won't let them!

I stagged out of the hospital bed doing my best to ignore the fact my leg was broken and grabbed the IV for support. I have to get out of here...I have to look at the footage...I need to figure out who they are before they kill him....

I held back cries of pain as I opened the door and looked around the halls. No lucky. I then moved as fast as I could towards the door ignoring the pain in my leg as I raced towards the streets.


I MADE IT! HALLELUJAH! I opened the warehouse door and sighed in relief. I knew I didn't have much time before the hospital would be after my sorry a**, especially considering the looks people gave me on the street. I guess seeing a kid in a hospital gown running on the street was alarming.

I opened a random box and grabbed an old sweatshirt and pants and slipped them on over the gown to look less suspicious.

Ok moment of truth...I lifted the box where I had put my laptop and the security camera and looked at the footage searching for the first day of school. Come on, please work PLEASE

I skimmed through it till I saw a figure entering the building. GOT YOU NOW YOU SORRY- huh? I zoomed in on the image confused. Wait....this doesn't make sense....we never met before that day and the hair color doesn't match up...unless they knew about the cameras and sent her instead...AGH

I smacked myself in the head for being such an idiot. Oh well but I can interrogate her. I grabbed my phone from underneath the couch and called them.


"Ouma? Why did you call me-" I immediately closed the warehouse door and locked it and turned to face them, "Harukawa you better tell me everything you know or Atua help me I will kill you"

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