Chapter Seven- I found him, and then he ran away again

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"Ugh we've been looking for hours and you won't even give us the da** reason why were looking for that brat!" Miu complained but I sighed "trust me guys he could DIE if we don't find him...he might already be dead" Kibo looked nervous "dead?! I've heard you guys mention school kills people but I never thought it actually would...why are you guys staring at me....was it something I said?" I sighed "let's just get going, who knows where he can even be at this point"

"Like at the convenience store across the street?"Maki said pointing towards it, I turned around and sure enough Ouma was walking out with a bag and I ran over to check to see if he's ok. Ouma just smirked "aww does Saihara chan care about me? But seriously I need to actually be somewhere right now so-" I grabbed him by the back of his shirt as he tried to leave "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE TO GO SOMEWHERE!?! YOU NEARLY DIED OF BLOOD LOSS AND YOUR WALKING AROUND DOING THINGS LIKE IT'S NO BIG DEAL!?! AND WHY AND HOW DID YOU ESCAPE!?!"

Ouma just rolled his eyes "one, I actually treated myself better than YOU did and if you notice I am not a walking corpse, two you left your window opened and unlocked genius and I thought you were a detective" I raised an eyebrow "you managed to get this far though and climb out a window while your head was bleeding" he grinned "I had worse-or did I? I am a liar after all!" and he got himself out of my grasp and ran away.

"We wasted a whole afternoon on that da** brat?" Maki muttered "and he was FINE the whole TIME!?!" Himiko sighed "what a will take hours for me to replenish my magic..." Tenko squealed "I can help you get your magic back Himiko! It must have been your help though that helped us find that degenerate male!" Angie just watched Ouma leave "Atua says that one is going to run into more trouble and Shuichi is going to go after him!"

I sighed "sorry for wasting your guy's afternoons....." I said and at that everyone but Kaito and Kaede left, "don't worry it wasn't a complete waste of time! At least we know he's ok!" Kaede said looking on the bright side "yeah even I don't want that brat to get hurt so it was nice to know, seriously though how did we not notice that window was open?" 

Kokichi POV

I go to buy supplies for tracking down that psychopath and immediately I run into them? Oh come on! Do I not have any luck? I opened the door and sighed at least it was only the last trip...imagine if they saw me dragging a whiteboard.....I picked up the note and stuck it into a plastic bag with gloves, at least I got some evidence...and at least A clue...I sighed. Think...think....well if they want revenge against me it must mean they knew me somehow and I made them pissed....ok that can be anyone I have ever interacted with I have to get more specific details!

I sighed and paced around the room, wait....if they knew about where DICE parked the van and which one it was at the school and the exact time and date we would be together they might have been either a faculty member or student....and since that day the teachers were having a board meeting that means a student....ok that really doesn't narrow it down does it?  I groaned hitting my head against the whiteboard...

All I know is that they have to be a liar just as good as myself or even BETTER in order to make people believe the DICE members were people who didn't deserve an organ donation....and they have to have some pretty good intelligence to get away with it....I hit my hand against the board and groaned. I'm going to need a lot more Panta......

"Ouma?" I turned around to see the detective himself the lair.....shoot....wait....I have the SHSL Detective in the same class as me.....maybe I can trick him into helping me? I mean he probably isn't the one who killed them since I don't recognize him and he actually saved me from bleeding to death on the streets....and since he probably just saw everything I was hiding already he's my best shot.........I turned to face him "oh so Saihara chan is stalking me now? How great"

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