Chapter Twelve- What?

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I yawned heading back into school, I hope Ouma's ok....I hadn't slept last night because of how worried I was. His right arm had been fractured and his left leg had been broken in three places, he also lost a significant amount of blood and a concussion on top of that. Yet Ouma described that pain on the street as if that was nothing and that might have been what scared me the most. I should go visit him in the hospital today....he's probably woken up by now.

Oh wait...he probably has been through worse...that crash he was in put him in the hospital for a while from what I know, and even killed most of his friends. That must have been pretty hard recovery mentally and physically.

Honestly if I were him I don't know what I would do.


"Saihara chan you traitor!" I barely even stepped inside of the room when I saw Ouma glaring at me, he had bandages wrapped around his head and arms and I think I could see some poking out from his hospital gown along with an IV. Anywhere else I could see his skin had bruises on it, not to mention he had a black EYE.

"What do you mean traitor? I literally carried you here" Ouma pouted, "I can't believe my dumb leg is broken..." I rolled my eyes "Ouma you should be happy that you didn't get anything worse you were running probably on pure adrenaline when we met up"

Ouma rolled his eyes, "I've had worse Saihara,I was in a coma for at least a month I broke three ribs, my arms and my legs were useless and was basically a human marshmellow with the amount of bandages I had for a few weeks, and I needed an organ transplant and blood donations before I could finally go to school  that was just pure will adrenaline abandoned me a long time ago"

I felt a bit uneasy hearing that. Ouma shrugged "meh just saying there is always worse" I then sat down next to Ouma.

"Still...when I learned where the organs came kind of made the whole ordeal even worse..." my eyes widened no way... "yeah....them. From some of my friends who died....along with the blood donated was from the ones who...." Ouma looked down. I got the point.
"I'm so sorry-" Ouma shook his head "save it I don't need pity, just stating some facts that's it. Not like you crashed our van"

I sighed, "Still I gave your secrets to Kaito who sold them for a strawberry and shortcake movie" Ouma's eyes widened with I guess rage "THAT'S WHAT HE RATTED IT OUT FOR?! THAT SON OF A-"

Ouma then seemed to be holding his breath trying to calm down, "anyways can I tell you something Saihara?" I nodded "yeah sure"


Ooh gosh oh gosh oh gosh what am I DOING?! I was so close to freaking out and I know my face looked like a tomoto. Well better late than never.

"Saihara...I....I like you! Ok...." I felt my face heating up Saihara just stared at me in shock "what? Like as in a crush?" I nodded "what else do you think I meant? Gosh your so dense..."

Saihara just stared at me "Ouma-" all of a sudden Akamatsu bursted through the door "hey Ouma! How are you feeling?" I didn't even reply.

Because Akamatsu then kissed Saihara on the lips, Saihara looked at me with synpathy "I thought you and Kaede are dating"

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