Chapter two- It's going to be fun, I promise

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A/N: Before we start off this chapter I want to say happy birthday to Mikaela307 aka one of the people whose writing convinced me to give wattpad a try! She's a really nice person and I hope you guys all go and give her a lot of love to celebrate her birthday!

"Hurry up guys! Seriously I promise it will be fun!" Chiasa called out to the DICE members as she practically dragged some of us towards the area where we kept the abandoned van we had found and modified so we could drive a few months ago 'I don't know...people in the hallways kept laughing for some reason today at more than usual" I told her "I think they planned something..." Riko just laughed "they are probably just trying to freak us out since we pulled that prank at the dance, you know? The one where we dunked panta on the football team?" I nodded, it was the most tragic thing I had ever seen in my life. Twenty bottles of  what is going to replace the fountain of youth one day or holy water, panta, being sacrificed for a prank. 

"I remember Ouma looking ready to cry because of it!" Takashiro mentioned as they laughed "he looked ready to strangle you Genkei when you came with his 'emergency' panta we had in the van!" Mirai added and I sighed "guys I am being serious I actually have a bad feeling about this-" Nao grinned "your just nervous cause were celebrating Takara's birthday and DICE's anniversary and he is going to make us do crazy dance moves again" Takara grinned "that's a good idea, thanks for the suggestion guys" Mirai groaned "what have you done Nao!?!  You just doomed us all!" I sighed giving up on my argument as I climbed into the back of the car Chiasa smiled facing me and handing me a panta "it's going to be fun, I promise" I nodded slowly Kazue just stared at us "ok none of you better abuse the driver got it?" he asked and most of is groaned. Kazue was the only one in the group with a license so in the van he was the leader.

"Yes your majesty, and shall we grab your littlest pet shops while were at it?" Eiji asked and Kazue groaned as we pulled out onto the street. We turned over to Takara "I can't believe your parents don't even want to celebrate your birthday" Tsuki muttered Takara sighed "yeah but I am lucky enough to have ten friends, one who hacks into the schools files to figure out our birthdays *coughs* Chiasa *cough*" Chiasa grinned "it was my duty as vice dictator of the world thank you all very much"

"Still it's nearly our tenth year anniversary of forming DICE what should we do to celebrate?" Riko asked "I want a cake..." Mirai added she seemed to be drooling a bit at the thought "whatever you say-" all of a sudden the van started making weird noises as we looked around at each other. Genkei asked "hey maybe we should-KAZUE WERE HEADING STRAIGHT FOR THE SIDE OF THE BRIDGE!"  Kazue screamed back "I CAN'T CONTROL THE VAN! EVERYONE COVER YOUR HEADS!" my eyes widened as I did everyone also cowered in the back as we looked around at each other in fear. 

The fence smashed and we all began falling as we just screamed as our van crashed into the bottom of the ravine. My whole body hurt, it felt like agony and I could barely see anything as fire seemed to be nearby the van I looked around...blood was everywhere and I think I saw glass inside of my body as I tried to look at Chiasa who was sitting next to me. All I met were perpetual staring eyes. Maybe because of adrenaline I called out "g-guys....are you ok...?" I got some moans in response and I noticed Nao getting up, he seemed to be the least damaged as he seemed to drag us out of the van I kept hearing him call out "stay with me, don't you guys dare leave me alone" until I felt myself being dragged I looked to the other piles....some of their chests weren't raising....and then it went black.

I gripped my scarf tightly as I stared out at the clouds, the boring kind that no one can make shapes out of.  That's when I felt someone tap me in the back and I felt my whole body freeze up as I turned around to see the navy haired kid with the hat I raised an eyebrow "are you here to murder me Saihara chan?" I asked suddenly remembering his name "what?-no! I was just coming to ask if you wanted to hang out with Akamatsu, Momota, Harukawa, Keebo and me after's going to be fun, I promise"

"it's going to be fun, I promise" I bit my tongue to keep myself from shouting that it wouldn't "nope, I don't think so" I muttered walking away as fast as I could.

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