♕ | 3. The gifted

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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚍

A/N- I honestly have the biggest crush on Adelaide Kane

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A/N- I honestly have the biggest crush on Adelaide Kane...

Kenna makes her way over to the Mikaelson mansion to meet Hayley, she knocks on the door and a young beautiful pregnant women opens the door.

"Hey, you must be Makena." Hayley says holding out her hand.

"That would be me and you must be Hayley, you can call me Kenna." Kenna smiles shaking her hand.

"Do you wanna come in?" Hayley says awkwardly and Kenna accepts walking inside. They both sit down on the sofa by the fire place.

"It's so nice in here." Kenna points out to Hayley.

"Yeah it was the first few days but now I can't stand it." Hayley laughed, "Rebekah told me all about you, she says you're really powerful and can help me." She says and I smile standing up.

"I will try my best, may I?" Kenna asked referring to Hayley's stomach, she nods laying down on the sofa and lifts up her shirt so her stomach is visible.

Kenna places her hands over Hayley's stomach and closes her eyes, "Do you already know the sex of the baby?" Kenna asks.

"Yeah,  a witch called Sabine said she thinks it's a little girl." She beams and Kenna laughs.

"Well she's right, I can almost guarantee you are going to have a beautiful little girl." Kenna smiles.

"Would the baby be supernatural or?..." Hayley asks Kenna and she quickly nods.

"Oh yeah... this might come as a surprise to you but I believe she's a hybrid, I think there's a little witch werewolf cooking up in there. Congratulations Hayley." Kenna explains and Hayley laughs not really believing the baby would be a hybrid.

Hayley sits up when she hears the door knock, "who would that be?" Hayley said curiously.

"I'll get it." Rebekah says speeding from upstairs to the door, "Oh, hello Agnes." Rebekah says and Kenna's eyes widen.

"What's wrong?" Hayley whispers to Kenna worried.

"I may or may not have killed her friend yesterday." Kenna confesses whispering back and Hayley's mouth forms into an Oh.

"Hello Hayley, I came to check up on you and the baby." Agnes beams waking into the room, "Makena George..." She says aghast, Makena stays quiet unsure on what to say.

"Well haven't you turned out to be a gorgeous young lady! You are looking just like your mother." Agnes cackles causing Kenna to shift uncomfortably at the mention of her mother.

"Agnes! Wow I can't believe it's been 2 years." Kenna forces a faux smile and plays along with the innocent act.

"Don't worry child, I'm not here to hurt you. We're all on the same side now, our main goal is Davina Claire." Agnes explains and Kenna's heart began to hurt for the young Davina Claire, she knew how it felt to be in her shoes.

ULTRAVIOLENCE | K. MIKAELSON (old version)Where stories live. Discover now