Chapter 1

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*Lukes POV*

Cal and I were hanging out today. We were watching a scary movie and he was snugged up against me. My heart fluttered when he gripped my hand.

If you're wondering, I'm in love with Calum. My best friend, I love him with all my heart. There's one problem though, he likes someone else... He likes Ashton Irwin a popular bloke. But that's not going to stop me. I'm going to do anything I can to get Cal to like me. I won't stop until I can call him mine.

Suddenly Cal looked up at me and asked, "Lukey..? Can I ask you something?"

"For sure Cal, what's up mate?"

"Well.. Erm.. I like Ashton, you know that right?"


"Well I want to ask him on a date, do you think you could help me plan it?"

At that moment right there I had to make a decision..

A) help Cal and make him happy


B) convince him that he shouldn't ask Ashton on a date

Obviously I chose option B

"Uh Cal I don't really know how to say this but.. I don't think it's a good idea to ask Ashton on a date.."


"Cal you don't even know if he's gay or bi or what. I've only ever seen him date girls before. And Cal I need to tell you something I should have told you a long time ago.."

I paused taking a breath,

"Calum I'm gay.. I have been for a while now.."

"What!? Why didn't you tell me!? You knew I was gay!"

"I.. Erm don't know Cal.. I'm sorry.. I should have told you. I just didn't know how"

"Oh Lukey.. I didn't mean to tell at you.. I'm sorry too"


Later that night when Calum was gone I pulled out my phone and went on Twitter.

I pulled out a new spiral notebook from my desk and opened it up to the first page. I'm going to write down all my feelings everyday for Calum. One day I'll give it to him..

Dear Calum,

So uh I'm going to start writing letters to you down in this notebook about how I feel about you.

Today I told you I'm gay but what I didn't tell you is that I like you.

I like you a lot.

I know you like Ashton but I don't care I still like you.

Tomorrow is a new day. I'm sorry this letter sucks but uh yeah

I like you Cal

Love, Lukey

And with that I closed the notebook and put it back in my dresser.

I looked at the time to see that it was already 12:30 at night.

Shit I have school tomorrow. I better get to bed.

So I pulled off my skinny jeans and pulled on some pyjama pants and hopped into bed.


Sorry if it sucked! This is my first ever fanfic. I promise it will get better!

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