Chapter 5

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A/N I UPLOAD A CHAPTER BEFORE THIS! Make sure to read that one first!


Chapter 5

Third Person

Luke loves Calum but likes Michael

Calum likes Luke but also likes Michael and Ashton

Ashton likes Calum but also has a slight crush on Michael

Michael likes Luke but is also crushing on Ashton

It makes life very complicated for the four lads. When they started the band no one every thought they would make it except Calum. He always thought they would make it. And one day become as big as their favourite band Green Day is.

*Michaels POV*

I was in the middle of playing 21 Guns by Green Day on my guitar when my phone rang. I stopped playing to see Luke calling me, I picked up and said,

"Hey mate, what's up?"

"Mikey.. Calum and I are starting a band and I wanted to know if you wanted to be our lead guitarist.. Please?"

I sighed knowing that I've always wanted to be in a band and be as big as Green Day.. Finally I spoke,

"Erm.. Lukey alright.. I'll do it"

"Yay! Thank you thank you thank you thank you! I love you Mikey!"

"Yeah yeah yeah.. I love you too. I gotta go mate you already interrupted my jam session. Bye Lukey"

I hung up my phone and continued to play my guitar.

*Ashtons POV*

I can't believe that I'm in a band.. I've always wanted to be in one. There is one fatal flaw.. I don't know any of the lads I'm joining the band with. I mean I've spoken to Calum once at school. I've never met Luke. And oh God Michael Gordon Clifford, what a sex god. I don't know him very well but god is he hot.

My phone buzzed pulling me out of my thoughts about Michael. I got a text from Cal,


Ash, first band practice today, erm.. Is it possible to do it at your place?


Yeah sure mate! Tell Luke and Mikey to come by around 3 and you can come whenever you want.


Alright thanks mate. I'll come around 2 to set things up and get to know ya better. See ya then Ash.

I looked at the time realizing that it's already 1. I got up and had a quick shower. I threw on some dark blue skinny jeans and a ripped Nirvana shirt. By the time I was finished getting ready I heard a knock at the door. I made my way down stairs and opened the door to find a smiling Calum. He looked so adorable when he smiles.

*Calums POV*

Ashton showed me where we would practice. It was a massive soundproof room with his drum kit in the middle. I took my bass out of the case and put it on a stand in the room. By that time it was already 2:30. We just sat around and chatted and laughed a little. God when he laughs.. His beautiful dimples pop out and his hazel eyes brighten. I tried to make him laugh every opportunity I had. The last time I made him laugh I said,

"You have a beautiful smile Ash"

His face reddened at my compliment and it made me like him even more. I scooted closer to him and held his hands. I just sat there for a few moments running my thumb along his knuckles. He was the first to break the comfortable silence,

"Is it weird that I really want to kiss you right now?"


Then he leaned in slowly and connected our lips together. As if by instinct I put one of my hand on his lower back and the other was tangled in his curls. The kiss lasted for quite a while. I only pulled back to breathe. Ashton then looked at me and said,

"Wow.. That was.. Amazing.."


A little bit of drama with Cashton!

-Paiger =) x

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