Chapter 4

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I know I said I wanted to wait till I got the comment/vote but I want to upload more cause I've already written it


*Calums POV*

The idea just popped into my head when I was thinking about Luke.

We should start a band.

I play the bass, Luke plays guitar and can sing like an angel, Michael Luke's friend can also play guitar and I think Ashton can play the drums.

The only thing I'm worried about is getting Ashton to join the band. I decided to text Luke and talk to him about it.


Hey babe, I have an idea that I want to run by you, do you have time to talk?


Of course boo, what's up?

My heart fluttered at the nickname.


Well I think we should start a band.. I play bass, you can sing and play guitar and doesn't your friend Michael play guitar too?


Cal that's a great idea! And erm yeah he does, do you want me to text him and ask if he wants to join?

Before I could type a response he texted me again


Wait.. What about a drummer?


Well.. Erm I think Ashton plays the drums, and I do have his number I could text him and ask him...


Cal.. Babe.. I guess you could try if you want.. Just don't get your hopes up. I'll leave you to think. Bye babe xx

I really did want Ash to join the band. I mean he seemed like a nice enough guy and all but I'm not sure that he'll want to. But it's worth a try I guess. I pulled out my phone again and texted Ash.


Hey Ashton, it's Calum from school. Listen me and a few friends are starting a band but we need a drummer. And I was wondering if you want to join?

I sent the text and waited for a reply. It's been 30 minutes and so far no response. I decide I better get something to eat since I haven't eaten all day.

I walk downstairs to the fridge and swing it open. I grab some leftover pizza and quickly eat it.

When I get back to my room I have a text from Ashton and Luke. I decide to check Ashton's first because I want to know what he said about the proposal.


Hey Cal, sorry I was jamming on my drums.. And well honestly I don't know mate. I really want to join but I don't really know any of you guys. Maybe I can come to a practice or two and get to know you guys?


That sounds great! I'll text you when I've got the details figured out. Bye Ash

I quickly looked at my text from Luke


Michael is in, is Ashton?


Yes! Well sorta.. He said he would come to a few practices to get to know us and see how it goes


That's great! I have to go.. Bye babe xx

I turned my phone off and took out my song writing book. It was a simple black leather notebook with a small piece of leather to tie it closed. I turned to a new page and started to write a song about Luke and I.

'You don't know that I love you,

You don't know that I care,

I really hope that you love me too,

But I know that's too rare'

I stopped there and closed the book putting it back in my dresser.

I've never told anyone that I write songs. Truthfully I've never had anyone to tell before.


And there the beginning of 5 Seconds of Summer

-Paiger =) x

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