Chapter 19

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Double update! Read the previous chapter before this one!


*Calums POV*

I was doing my homework like a good little boy when my phone started to ring. I read the name as Ashton's mum. I quickly picked it up and said,

"Mrs. Irwin? What's up?"

"Calum honey, Ashton is in the hospital. I need you to come down as soon as possible"

"I'll be down in 10!"

I hung up the phone and ran down the stairs I yelled at my mum saying,

"Mum! Ash is in the hospital! I need to go see him! Bye!"

I grabbed my car keys and rushed out the door.

I was defiantly speeding the whole way to the hospital. I'm surprised I didn't get a ticket. When I finally found a parking space I jumped out and locked my car. I ran inside and up to the receptionist. I quickly asked,

"Do you know what room Ashton Irwin is in?"

"Um he's on the second floor room 220"

I mumbled a thank you and rushed to the elevator. I pressed the button but got frustrated with waiting. I ran up the stairs to the second floor and searched for his room. I finally found it and knocked on the door. Ashton's mum answered and gave me a hug. I hugged her back tightly, once she pulled away I ask,

"What's wrong with him?"

"He's in a coma.. They don't know why.."

"Oh my god.. Ash"

A tear fell down my cheek as I looked at his body all hooked up with tubes. Ash's mum looked at me and then spoke,

"Did you know..?"


"Calum did you know he cuts?"

"Yes.. I'm sorry he didn't want to tell you.. He thought that you'd be disappointed.. Is that why he's in here?"

"On no dear I would never be disappointed! And no.. He hit his head, he fell down the stairs. They don't know how long he's going to be like this.."

I nodded and sat down in the chair beside Ashton's bed. I grabbed his hand and started to sob. It wasn't a few tears coming down my cheek it was a lot. I was struggling to breathe. I was having a panic attack. The last thing I remember was trying to breathe and Anne telling for a nurse.

I woke up in an arm chair in the corner of Ashton's room. I looked around to find Ash still hooked up to the machines, and Luke and Mikey sitting by his side. I let out a shaky breath before I spoke,

"Luke, Mike what are you doing here?"

"Cal! You're awake we were so worried. And Anne called us" Luke spoke

"W-what happened to me?"

"You passed out, you had a panic attack" Luke spoke again

I just nodded. I slowly got up and sat on Luke's lap considering there was no chairs left. I took Ashton's hand in mine and kissed it. I spoke in just above a whisper,

"Please please wake up Ash, I can't do this without you"



Hope you enjoyed the double update!

-Paiger =) x

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