Chapter 17

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OH MY GOD! 1,000 reads! You guys are amazing! I never thought this story would get so many reads! I might be updating again tonight if I have time!

Love ya lots!

-Paiger =) x


*Lukes POV*

I woke up to my phone vibrating in my ear. Groaning I picked it up and groggily said,


"Luke you actually picked up!"

"Ugh Andrew I told you to fucking leave me alone"

"I know I know, but we really need to talk"

"No we don't, I don't need you in my life right now. I have a boyfriend who I love"

"That Michael freak? He's nasty"

"He's not fucking nasty! He's so fucking perfect! I love him with all my heart! Do not insult my beautiful boy or I will hurt you!"

I hung up and threw my phone across the room. I really didn't need Andrew in my life right now. He always fucks things up.


•2 days later•

"Luke dear someone is here to see you!" I heard my mom call from downstairs. I put down my pencil and walked out of my room. Who could it be? Michael had work today and Cal and Ash went on a date. I walked down the final step and lifted my head. To see the one and only Andrew.

"Fuck no get the fuck out of this house right fucking now"

"Luke! You owe 75 cent to the swear jar!" My mother yelled at me. I just rolled my eyes and pulled Andrew outside. He gave me a look to say 'what did I do?' I practically yelled at him,

"What did you do!? Are you fucking kidding me!? Everything! You did everything! First you call me then you show up at my fucking house! Do you have a death wish Andrew!? Stay the fuck away from me, my family and my boyfriend! Now get the fuck out of here before I beat the shit out of you!"

He quickly scurried away from me and got in his car and drove away as fast as possible.

I walked back inside to find my mother giving me a very displeased look saying,

"You now owe 2 dollars to the swear jar. But I'm very proud of you for telling Andrew off. Now go up to your room get that 2 dollars and finish your homework"

I sighed and went up to my room. I grabbed 2 bucks out of my change jar and ran downstairs. I threw the money in the jar and ran back to my room. I picked up my pencil and continued my homework.

It was 6 o'clock by the time I finished my homework. I decided I would call Michael before dinner was ready. I dialled his number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hey Lukey!"

"Hey babe, how was work?"

"Boring as hell, how was home?"

"Well my ex came to see me today"

"Andrew? What the fuck did he want?"

"I don't know I told him to fuck off and leave me, my family and you alone before he could say anything"

"Atta boy. Well I gotta go baby dinner time, I love you"

"I love you too Mikey"

I hung up the phone to find a text from Cal saying,

Meet me at Ashton's place at 7, don't tell Mike. Surprising him

I rushed downstairs to tell my mom I was going to Ashton's at 7. She allowed me to go as long as I ate something before I left. I quickly scarfed down diner and ran out to my car. I quickly drove to Ashton's house and parked my car.

This was going to be interesting..

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