Chapter 20

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*Calum's POV*

I haven't left the hospital for a whole week. I just want to be here when Ash wakes up, is that so bad? No, no it's not. People have come and gone, some staying longer then others. Luke and Michael usually come to visit after school. Today they came not to see Ashton but to get me out of the hospital. I was sitting at Ashton's side when they came in. I didn't even hear them come in until Michael spoke up,

"Cal you have to go home, you haven't got a proper sleep in over a week. Also you haven't showered and you are starting to smell rank"

"I can't Mike! I have to be here when he wakes up!"

"You don't know if he will wake up!"


"You're not alone Cal.. Me and Luke are here for you"

"It's not the same Mike. I love Ash he's my forever"

"I know.. But you have to leave mate"

"How would you feel if it was Luke in this bed!? Would you want to leave?"

"Uh.. N-no"

"Exactly Mike so shut the hell up and leave me alone"

Michael and I didn't speak the rest of the time he was here. Luke and I spoke a few words to each other but not much. Luke was very cute with Ash. He caught him up on stuff that happened at school. He also told him the Mike and him made a few more covers.

By the time they left it was 8pm. It was only me and Anne left in the room. Harry and Lauren were staying at the Hemmings house for now. I was aloud to stay over night since Anne told them I was Ashton's step brother.

When everyone left I did what I usually do at night. I hugged Anne goodnight and I climbed into Ashton's bed. I kissed his forehead and told him I love him and snugged into his side. Right before I drifted off to sleep I whispered,

"Please wake up soon Ash, I don't know what I'd do if you didn't"


•2 Weeks Later•

I finally went home last night. I took a proper shower and went to bed. I was home alone today, Anne told me to stay home for a few days and that she would call me if anything changed. I really wanted to relive the pain. But I had to be strong for Ashton I had to.

"I'm sorry Ash"

I made one deep cut on each wrist and watched the blood fall down my wrists. I just sat there and balled my eyes out for what felt like hours. I finally got up and washed out my cuts. I searched in the cabinet and found some gauze and wrapped them up. I hid the razor under my mattress. I hope I never have to use it again. I might if Ash doesn't wake up soon..



I just wanted to say it means a lot when you guys vote and comment and even add this story to your reading lists. Thank you so much!

-Paiger =) xx

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