Chapter 14

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"It's so great to finally meet you guys." Matty speaks before indulging us in a hug.

"You too!" Charlotte and I exclaim before we all take our seats on the couch in the recording room.

Moments later Luke, Calum and Michael exit the recording booth and Ashton comes in the room with Starbucks for everyone.

After Luke hands me my coffee I move down to the floor and sit between Luke's legs, him taking my spot. His hands find my shoulders and he pulls me up by them, "Sit up here babe." I stand to sit but I notice there is no room but before I can speak, Luke pulls me by my waist onto his lap.

"I love you so much." he says aloud, not seeming to care about the others in the room. With that he grabs my hips and turns them, to where I am no straddling him, my coffee resting on his shoulder.

I rest my head on his other shoulder and close my eyes, drifting off to sleep.


"Wake up, Samantha." It's Luke. My eyes flutter open and I am still in the same position as before yet everyone else is standing up.

"We have to leave baby, but there are fans outside.. so we have to make things public now, okay?" Luke says, holding my cheeks in his hands and he seems to be looking over my entire face for any hint of discomfort.

"Yeah. That's fine." I remove myself from on top of him and stand. "Do you have a beanie? I dont want the fans seeing this shit an my hair is terrible today." i say after gesturing to the hickeys on my neck, Luke hands me a maroon beanie and I let my hair out of its frumpy pony tail before putting the beanie on.

Once everyone is ready we all exit the room and enter the lobby. Luke grips my hand in his and kisses my nose softly before the body guards surround us and we are pushed out of the doors.

Charlotte and Calum have already announced their relationship on twitter and most of the fans seem to

be okay with it but inside of me I feel as if they'll absolutely hate me.

Outside there are probably 200 fans behind barricades and they're surprisingly calm aside from the screams, they aren't pushing on the bars as much as I expected.

Luke and the others walk towards the fans, my hand still in his, and begin taking photos and signing things for the girls. It's once they notice Luke and I's hands is when they begin throwing questions at me.

"Are you dating Luke?"

"Who are you?"

"What's your name?"

"Am I suppose to respond to them?" I ask Luke into his ear.

"If you feel comfortable, babe." he says before showing me a dimpled smile.

"Im Samantha." I peep out awkwardly to the fans in front of me.

A few turn up their noses but most of them engage in conversation with me and some even ask for photos. I eventually tell them Luke and I have been dating for a bit now and I'm sure it'll spread like wildfire on twitter. The girls asked for my twitter username and I'm sure that'll spread too. I made it when I was still a typical fangirl. It's @lukesjuicebox

I've always been a Luke girl. (A/N that's my real twitter follow yas.)

After a bit more time with the fans we climb into a black van a peel of quickly, heading back towards the hotel.

"Are you okay?" Luke's asks me.

"I am." I say with a smile.

and I am. I feel complete.


A awake suddenly and before I know it I am running towards the bathroom. I bend over the toilet and hurl the complete contents of my stomach into the bowl before grabbing a towel and laying it against the seat before putting my head on it, waiting for more.

And it strikes again. I am once again throwing up into the already damaged toilet. Then I feel something on my back. I turn to see Luke kneeling behind me, rubbing my back softly and holding my hair out of my face.

"Babe, I'm gonna get someone to take care of you while I run to the corner store and get you some stuff to make you feel better, okay?"

I nod slightly and close my eyes before resting my head on the toilet seat once again. Luke moves my hair over my shoulder so it hangs in the air and kisses my neck softly before exiting the room.

Some one enters and as soon as I feel a heavy hand on my back, I feel instant relieve. I turn and see Ashton with a glass of water in his hand. He silently hands it to me and runs his hand up and down my back.

"I know, not your first choice, but I was the first to wake up." he says with a slight chuckle.

"Thank you, Ash." I whisper, feeling sick yet again.

He continues to rub my back and shoulders in a totally non weird way until Luke comes back, 10 minutes later.

Ashton leaves silently and Luke guides me to our bed, leaving the bathroom door open just in case. He bought some medicine, crackers, 7-UP and a few more things to help me feel a bit better.

Luke lays up on his side and has his arm under his head with my head resting upon his arm.

"I'm sorry I woke you up." I say with a slight smile.

"it's okay, babe." he says, pushing the fly away hairs out if my face. "I'm glad to help."

I snuggle unto Luke's side even more and I eventually fall fast asleep. Nut not before thinking about how wonderful and thankful I am to

have such an amazing boyfriend and an amazing life. I'm incredibly lucky.


I'm back bitches

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