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Hello everyone!! Here is the first chapter of the second book Valar Morghulis :) Yaaayyy
Thanks for all the support in the fist book! 12k reads is insane. Without further ado!

^^Just in case you forgot how Myra looked^^

*Myra's Pov.*

The wind rustled through my hair as I faced the sea. I sighed peacefully and plopped down on the dock taking out a loaf of bread.
For the past year and a half I'd stayed in Braavos inside one of the inns. The place wasn't to expensive nor the best, but it did the job.

You're probably wondering how I've survived so long by myself.
At first I didn't know what to do and decided to travel aimlessly around Westeros exploring the sites. It was fun for a while, but the fun slowly deteriorated as my food,  water, and money began to run out. Therefore I decided to settle in Braavos, the city closest to me at the time.

There I met a man named Abdul, a sea captain in his early 40s. We met at one of the bars in the area.
Striking up conversation, he mentioned he owned a ship and needed another crew member. A close friend of his had died and he needed to fill his spot on board.
Immediately I volunteered and spent my days helping him. In turn he payed me a decent sum of money that allowed me stay in the inn and enough for food and drink.

I took a bite of my bread and stared at the many ships lining the dock. In my spare time I often thought of home and how I left things. It had been a while since I left Kings Landing, my role as queens-guard, my family, and of course Daenerys.

What did my mom think of all this? What did she think about me being gay? How is Daenerys doing? Are her dragons alright? Had Tyrion finally found the one yet?
Thoughts of what felt like long ago often plagued my mind. And I hated it. I just wanted to forget, but I couldn't. That's why I liked to be kept busy manning the boat so I wouldn't have time to think of such things.

"Myra, its time to get going" Abdul yelled from his ship. I shoved the rest of my lunch into my mouth before standing and making my way to his side.
"Before we make our way to Volantis I'd like you to retrieve my son. Last I saw he made his way into one of the brothels nearby. Quickly now" he said before making his way below deck.

"Great" I muttered to myself. Abdul's son Karim was a piece of work. He often sent me to retrieve him during the day because he'd disappear and ditch work.
Being only 18 he was a horny bastard too, so I'd often find him trying to pick up woman in one of the brothels nearby.

Making my way down the road I entered the brothel Abdul had said he'd seen him go into.
Looking around the packed room my eyes landed on a woman with dark brown hair and brown eyes.
She smirked at me and slowly beckoned be over with her finger.
Walking toward her cautiously I stood in front of her.

"Hello there sweet cheeks, what can I help you with today?" she smirked at me and looked me up and down with a sultry look on her face.
"Yes, have you seen a guy about 18 years old with light skin, brown eyes, and shaggy brown hair? About 5'8?" I questioned.
Her smirk widened at my question.
"I may have....but it'll cost ya" she spoke.
I rolled my eyes and handed her 2 shillings.
"Thanks doll. He's in the back room getting a bj by Molly. Should be done in a few minutes" she said picking at her nails nonchalantly.

I rolled my eyes again. Of course.
"Ok, well can you tell them to hurry up his father is waiting for him. Tell him I'll be outside" I replied annoyed. She looked at me expectantly and held out her hand.
I sighed and handed her another 2 shillings.
"I'll let them know" she said touching my shoulder flirtatiously and making her way into the back.

However before I could exit the establishment I smacked into a small body by mistake entering the brothel.
"Watch where your going you prick" a familiar voice said turning around to face me.
I froze as our eyes met.
"Myra, its been quite a while hasn't it" Tyrion spoke. I was completely frozen. Seeing Tyrion after so long brought back so many memories all at once.

My heart pounded and sweat began to form on my brow. Swallowing I responded.
"Hi Tyrion."
"Not even a goodbye?" he questioned raising an eyebrow at me.
"Look... this isn't the place to talk can we just step outside" I said sensing the stares.
I was talking with the hand of the Queen after all. I didn't want anyone to know of my life back in Kings Landing.
"Ok" he said confused stepping outside with me.

I started to relax, the air calming me.
"So, where's the little guy?" he asked referring to my dragon.
"Valyrion you mean?" I smirked slightly at him.
"Oh I see he has a name now! When did that happen?"
"It happened about..." I started before I was interrupted by a voice.

"Yo, Myra you know the Imp?!" Karim spoke in surprise, tucking his shirt into his pants beside me.
"I'd prefer you didn't call me that" Tyrion responded annoyed.
"Sorry..." Karim spoke not looking the least bit apologetic. A smirk spread across his face as he stared at Tyrion, causing Tyrion to clear his voice. "You're shorter than I imagined" he added his smirk widening even more. Tyrion scowled at him. The guards around him stepped closer in defense causing Karim's smirk to falter.

"Well it was nice seeing you Tyrion but we must be going! Bye" I said pulling Karim away and down the road.
"Alright, I hope to see you soon Myra" Tyrion yelled watching us run down the road.

"You never answered my question" Karim said ripping his arm from my hold as we turned the corner.
He stopped staring up at me expectantly.
"It's none of your business, and so help me if you say one word I'll beat the shit out of you" I replied menacingly.
Never one to speak to him that way, Karim's eyebrows rose in shock and he stepped back holding his hands up in surrender.
"Ok, fine I won't say anything. But I don't see why it's such a big deal" he grumbled before walking toward the ship.
'Wimp' I thought before following him.

"Finally, what took you two so long" Abdul said crossing his arms.
"Oh, Myra just saw an old friend. They were just catching up" Karim replied smirking at me.
I glared at him menacingly. Fuckin liar.
"Well I told you to make it snappy, I have deadlines to meet. Don't let this happen again. Ok Myra?" Abdul spoke looking at me.
"Ok" I grumbled not meeting his eyes.

"Alright, now that that is all sorted, change of plans. I received a raven from my client while you two were off dawdling. They require that we ship the cargo to Kings Landing instead of Volantis. So ready yourselves, we leave tomorrow at sunrise" he said.

I heart rate increased at those two words. The image of Daenerys' blue eyes, and my mothers smile flashed before my eyes.
I couldn't refuse, or I'd lose my job as Abdul's crewman. It was a lose lose.
"Yes sir" I responded with as much courage as I could muster at that moment.
Looks like I was going home sooner than expected.
(1300 words)

Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter :)

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