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*Myra's Pov.*

-Winterfell dining hall-

"So you're saying that we're fucked" I spoke defeatedly.
"I didn't say that. The dragon queen already explained to you how Faceless men work. They are paid and do not stop until their task is completed. That is, they have fulfilled their employers request and possess a new face as an offering to the Many Faced god" Arya explained.

"So it's a continuous cycle then: we kill one and another appears. This is ridiculous" I sighed slamming my fist on the table.
Daenerys straightened her posture before speaking. "So what do you suggest we do Arya?"
"I believe you should go straight to the source and find their employer. Like I said the cycle is never ending, unless a faceless man them self decides such and receives another offering" she replied.
"I agree with Arya, it seems the most efficient course of action" Tyrion stated nodding in agreement.

"But we have no clue who they are or where to look" I reasoned.
"That's where I come in" Arya said standing up from her chair.
"As a previous faceless man, I know what to look for and how to spot one. I will come back to Kings Landing and not leave your side until we are able to contain one of them. Then I alone will question them about their employer" she added.

"Why only you? Wouldn't it be best if all of us were there?" Daenerys asked.
"Faceless men are much more stubborn than regular prisoners. It will take a lot to get one talking... and I'd rather you all not witness it" Arya stated.

"Arya, are you sure? If it's to dangerous we can always—-" Sansa spoke concerned before she was cut off..
"Always what Sansa? There is no one else. It must be me, and that's final. Don't bother protesting any further. Now, I'm going to go pack my things so we can get going" she said walking briskly out of the room before another word could be spoken.

We all stared at each other unsure of what to do or say. I honestly didn't expect her to agree so easily. Though I guess family is family in Daenerys' case.

"Arya has always had a big heart" Jon explained.
"And a big head....I don't want her to get herself killed. No offense your grace but she is my sister, and her life means much more to me" Sansa stated.
"I understand" Daenerys replied.
"Don't worry Sansa, I will return with Arya as well and keep her safe" Jon spoke grabbing Sansa's hand.

"The bond of family is truly a wonderful thing" Tyrion concluded.

-(Time skip) Back in Kings Landing-

"Wow, these walls look exactly how I remember them" Arya spoke aloud as we walked through the halls. A handful of Daenerys' guards followed behind us carefully.
"I always heard stories, but I never fully got to appreciate it during the war" Jon added.
"It certainly is beautiful" I said glancing at Daenerys, however she didn't seem to notice.

"Anyways, I suggest you both sleep a room with no windows and one entrance so that I can watch over you both better. I will guard the door and not let anyone in unless it is confirmed they are who they say they are" Arya explained.
Daenerys and I looked at each other briefly.
I blushed at the though of sleeping in the same room as Dany again. It had been so long.

"Are you ok with that Daenerys?" I asked out of respect. Dany finally turned to face me and studied me quietly.
"If Arya says we must." No lie, that stung quite a bit.
I nodded and turned away.
"Alright this room should do" Arya spoke after leading us down a couple of hallways.

"Alright, so now we wait. The guards and I will stand outside the door. If you both need something just knock on the door and I will open it. Do not leave this room unless I know about it" she stated.
Dany and I nodded and thanked Arya while watching her walk out the door.

I awkwardly stood by by bed while Daenerys slowly got into hers. Since the room was windowless both our candles remained lit, casting our shadows across the walls.
Daenerys wordlessly turned and faced the wall while I sighed and lay down in my own bed.
I didn't know how Daenerys could attempt to sleep knowing someone was coming after us.

I turned to look at her. My eyes roamed over the curve of her back. I yearned to wrap my arms around her waist, but refrained from doing so. Now that Philip/"no one" was gone there was nothing stopping me from doing so except Daenerys' protest. However it was not the time or place for affection. Deep down though, I knew she would return it.

(A few hours later, deep into the night)

A loud shout and thump from outside the door startled me awake. Daenerys also sat up and looked at me with wide uncertain eyes. I got up and made my way to the door in haste. Grabbing the door handle I just about swung open the door until Dany spoke.
"Don't! Remember what Arya said."
I froze for a second before turning around.
Before I could reply a loud bang erupted against the door causing me to stumble in surprise.

I moved to stand next to Daenerys as we watched the door shake repeatedly. We had nothing to defend ourselves with. My heart beat speed up faster than it already was as I felt Daenerys' hand lace through mine. We looked at each other and nodded, gripping each others hand tightly.
I could see the hinges of the door starting to break at the impact.
Moments later the door flew off and a man in a hooded white robe and red hair stood in the doorway.
I pushed Dany behind me protectively.
As I did so a ball of short brown hair rammed into him from the side causing him to topple over.

We ran to the now open door and watched them both tumble down to hallway. Arya pinned him to the ground and froze.
It seemed as thought she recognized him.
"Jaqen?" she whispered.
(1000 words)

Hello everyone sorry for the wait! Recently got a new job and have been working long hours. I've been to exhausted to write 😅 But here you go! Hope it was worth it. I didn't edit so I could get it out faster. As always comment and vote 😀


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