Hello again

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^^Kind of what Marvin would look like but more unkept^^

*Myra's Pov.*

"Hey mom, need some help?" I inquired entering the house.
"Sure dear. Would you mind feeding the pigs? I'm just finishing making lunch" Mom replied smiling.
"Sure Mom. By the way, do you know where Isabella is?" I asked.
"I think she's with Gendry right now. Something about a romantic picnic in the woods" she stated turning to face me. I nodded in acknowledgment, before heading to the door.

"Wait Myra, before you do that I wanted to ask you how that situation with the dragon Queen went. Hopefully she wasn't to harsh on you."
I gulped and turned around again.
"No, just a warning" I grimaced.

"Goodness that Darrio character is a nasty man. What man puts his hands on a woman" she shook her head.
"Mom, I'm a warrior. That was a fight between warriors, not sexes. It doesn't matter in that situation. Plus, the situation was resolved and forgiven" I reasoned.

Mom sighed. "Still, I'll give that man a piece of my mind if I see him. Warrior or not."
I rolled my eyes.
"How did your meeting with your lover go? I know you went to see her" she stated smiling gleefully.
Why was she so interested. Geez.

I couldn't tell her the truth. So I lied.
"Fine Mom, we decided to be just friends."
"That's a shame. I could tell you truly loved her" she spoke genuinely apologetic.
"Yeah..." I whispered under my breath.
"Anyway, I better feed the pigs now" I spoke opening the door.
"Yes of course. I'll call you once lunch is ready."

"Man this stuff smells" I retorted pouring the slop into buckets.
Before I could move the filled buckets to the pen however a voice called out to me.
"Myra! My dad needs you at the docks" Karim yelled, beckoning me over.
"Shit" i whispered to myself.
"Ok I'll be there soon!" I responded watching him run off.

"Myra, there you are. I haven't seen you in ages. Where the hell have you been" Abdul scolded.
"I was with my family sir. I assumed I would be called when needed" I responded.
"A crew member is always needed. Never forget that. Anyway, a fellow is supposed to be here any minute to pick up this cargo. I need you an Karim to load it onto their ship, or where ever the hell they need it. Got it?" Abdul explained.
Karim and I both nodded in understanding.
"Good. I'll just be over here sorting a couple things. Call me when they arrive."

Abdul walked off leaving Karim and i alone.
"So, who's this mystery buyer?" I asked.
"Why the fuck you asking me?" he retorted.
"Umm because he's your father" I stated confused.
"He doesn't tell me everything. Everyone keeps something private. Take you for instance, I bet you kept your little 'gay' secret till it became to obvious to keep. Then you were forced to tell everyone! I mean, look at you how could someone not know-" Karim spoke glancing me up and down before I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"Shut up you. At least I'm not a horny, disease infested teenager. With all those whores you sleep with who knows how many sexual diseases you have contracted" I replied.
Karim was seething and looked like he would throw a fist any second.
Before a fight could start between us however someone cleared their voice making us freeze.

Turning around I came face to face with a man. He looked familiar.
"May I help you?" I asked.
"Myra it's me" he spoke smiling at me.
"Umm I don't know you" I replied confused to who he was.
"It's Marvin" he said.
My eyes widened as I took him in. He looked nothing like when I last saw him.
He had grown taller, more muscular, grown a beard, and looked a little rough around the edges. He even smelt a little funny.

"Marvin, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be back in the castle training?" I asked.
Marvin however ignored what I said and pulled me in for a hug. I froze in surprise - especially since we didn't end on the best terms.
"Man am I glad to see you Myra. It's been crazy without you" he spoke.
"I'm so confused" I said when we pulled away.
"Then let me explain. But first I must apologize for kissing you."

"The hell? Myra I thought you were gay?" Karim voiced from behind me.
"I am, I am, now shut it" I said.
Marvin cleared his throat and smirked slightly. "And you are?" he asked addressing Karim.
"The name's Karim. Myra works for my dad" Karim replied arrogantly.

"Ok... listen Myra, I truly am sorry and I know I don't deserve your forgiveness. Especially for the trouble it caused. I respect you Myra, as a friend, and should not have passed those boundaries of friendship without asking you. This past year was terrible without my best friend. I'd like to put it behind us and start over if it's alright with you" Marvin smiled.
"Of course, I missed you too buddy" I spoke hugging him again.

We pulled away after a few seconds. "So, what happened with you while I was gone?" I asked.
"A lot actually. Your lov— I mean the Dragon Queen kicked me out of her Queensguard after you left the city.
With the help of her new boy toy" Marvin grumbled.
"Wow really? You used to be Queensguard? That's cool! If I was a Queensguard the chicks would be all over me" Karim sighed.

"Yeah... Anyway I've been kind of been moving around from place to place for the last half of the year you were gone. I was looking for work and a place to stay cause, well, you know my whole family is gone....The man I'm working for let's me stay in his attic as long as I work efficiently" he said.

"Shit Marvin I'm sorry I wasn't here. You didn't deserve being kicked out, regardless of the vendetta she has against you. You served her faithfully after all. Philip is a straight up pain so I wouldn't be surprised if he had something to do with it. If you want you can move in with me at my moms house. I'm sure she wouldn't mind" I replied sympathetically.

"Thanks Myra, but I'm alright where I am for now. But I'll keep your offer in mind" Marvin smiled.
"So what are you doing here Marvin? I forgot to ask" I said.
"Oh, my boss sent me to pick up cargo from a man named Abdul. I gotta go find him" Marvin stated.

"That's my father. I'll go tell him you're here" Karim said before running off.
"He's one, uh, interesting guy" Marvin chuckled.
"That's one way to put it" I laughed as well.
"Myra, now that we are alone, I just wanted to say how sorry I am about Daenerys. If you need to talk I'm here" he spoke sympathetically.
"Thanks Marvin. I really don't know what to do. One minute we are kissing and happy, and the next we are avoiding each other and miserable" I replied.

Before Marvin could reply however we were interrupted by the sound of two sets of footsteps. Karim and Abdul appeared behind me.
"Ah sir, nice to meet you. I am here to pick up the cargo for my boss" Marvin spoke shaking Abdul's hand.
"Yes of course. Right this way. They are quite heavy so....." their voices faded out into the distance.

Only Karim and I were left.
"How do you know a Queensguard Myra? I thought you were from Braavos?" he questioned.
"There's a lot you don't know about me Karim" I replied before walking away.
Little did I know it wouldn't stay that way for long.
(1300 words)

Hi everyone, sorry for the lack of updates. I've been waiting for more people to vote and read the last chapter before I posted this, but I guess everyone is just as busy as I am this time of year 😝 It's been too long so I decided to post this longer chapter.
Thanks for reading!


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