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*Myra's Pov.*

Valyrion had grown a lot bigger that past year. Not full grown like Dany's, but nearly there. He often roamed freely around Braavos while I stayed there, and traveled with me when I was working. Not literally with me however, but he liked to be close by and would fly overhead or in the nearby area L. This was also the case today.

I tapped my foot nervously as we docked on Kings Landings pier.
It was just as beautiful as I remembered it being. With the calm sea, clear sky, and the castle in the distance. But I couldn't enjoy it properly. I wiped my sweaty hands on my pants.
I was especially worried about Daenerys' dragons. I didn't want her to know I was here, and Valyrion being noticed would do just that.
It was something I couldn't control, and it worried me.

"Myra, get your ass over here. I'm not paying you to just stand around" Abdul yelled over to me from the other side of the ship as he ordered his crew around. We were unloading crates onto the dock for Abdul's client.

"My client will be here any minute. Don't keep him waiting it's for the great queen of Westeros after all" he added.
I tensed at the realization. Would Daenerys be here? I needed more information.
"Is the Queen going to be coming?" I asked as nonchalantly as possible.
"Gods no, what a stupid question. She wouldn't wanna meet measly crewman like us. She has better things to do" Karim laughed. Abdul nodded in agreement. "She is a busy woman."
I sighed internally in relief. One less thing to worry about.

"Ah, there he is. Welcome my brother, we have your order right here. I'm sure you will be pleased" Abdul said shaking the mans hand in greeting.
The man however remained silent and went to stand in front of the cargo. The group of men behind him followed. Examining it for a few quick seconds, he turned back to Abdul and whispered into his ear.

I'd never seen this man before back when I was in Kings Landing, nor during the past year I worked for Abdul.
"Karim, do you know who that man is?" I asked him.
"I'm not to sure exactly, but my father has met with him a few times. He doesn't talk about who he supplies much, and to be honest I don't really care. I guess he's just private" he responded.

Abdul nodded in response and accepted the relatively small bag the man handed to him.
The man then walked away silently.
Clutching the bag in his hand Abdul walked up to us.

"Alright he said to just unload the rest onto the dock and then we are done for the day. We will be set for a while Karim" he said gleefully tossing the bag into the air and catching it.
"How much did we make?" Karim asked.
"120 shillings" Abdul smirked and moved in to hug his son happily.
Abdul then turned to me. "And Myra, of course, here is your cut" he said hanging me 10 shillings.
"Thanks" I stated putting the money into my pocket. "And here is 10 shillings for you too Karim" he said also handing him the money.

"Alight, we will head back out tomorrow. Take your time and explore Westeros' great city for a while. And perhaps spend some of that money" Abdul said smiling at the both of us before walking away.
"Fuck yes, I know where I'm going" Karim spoke before running off.

I knew where I was going. To finally see my family.

*Daenerys' Pov.*

"Your grace, the grains you ordered for the feast have just arrived. They are being transported to the castle as we speak" Missandei spoke.
"Ok, thank you. I'll take care of it" I responded running my brush through my hair.
Bowing Missandei left the room.

Placing the brush on the table I stared at myself in the mirror.
It's been a year and a half since Myra left.
But I don't blame her for leaving after what I did. I would have done the same.
Not one day went by where I didn't think about her. She was my soulmate, and I was still in love with her.

A knock on the door sounded.
"Come in" I spoke sitting at my table full of paperwork and dipping my quill in ink.
"Your grace, would you do me the honor of accompanying me on a stroll?" a rough voice spoke causing me to glance up from the paper I was currently writing on.
It was someone I knew all to well. His chocolate colored eyes stared back at me expectantly.
"Of course I would."

*Myra's Pov.*

In the distance I could see my old house. My mom was working in her garden, and Isabella was most likely inside.
Gathering up my courage I walked down the hill.
My heart pounded as I neared my mom's turned back. She was humming and pulling out vegetables from the soil.
I smiled at the scene before speaking.

"Mom?" I spoke hesitantly.
At the sound of my voice she froze, and turned around slowly.
"Myra? Is that truly you?" she asked staring at me in surprise.
I nodded, tears filling my eyes. I hadn't heard her voice in so long. I missed her.
She stood silently staring at me.
I couldn't tell, was she disgusted, disappointed?

Before I could delve to far into it I felt two arms wrap around me tightly.
"I'm glad your back Myra. I've missed you, so much" she spoke into my shoulder.
I could feel her tears soaking my shirt.
I reciprocated the hug, wrapping my arms around her just as tightly - if not more so.

"Myra!! Your back!!" I heard a voice yell before two more arms wrapped around me from behind.
Releasing the gold on my mom I turned around. Isabella's smiling face greeted me.
We hugged once again before pulling away.
Wiping my tears away, I turned to both of them.

"I'm sorry it been so long. I didn't mean to stay away for so long I just---" I started before Isabella cut me off. "Myra, its ok. We are just glad your back. Right mum?" I looked at my mom expectantly.
"Myra, how could you ever think I wouldn't accept you? You are my daughter, I love you no matter who you love. I don't care that you are gay! As long as you are happy, I am happy" mom spoke gripping my hands tightly.
I hugged her tightly.
"Thank you, you have no idea how much that means to me" I replied emotionally.

"Now," she spoke "tell me about this woman you love."
(1100 words)

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter!! That's how all parents should act when their child comes out - in my opinion at least 😜 Also, who do you think the man Dany was talking to is?
As always, vote and comment for more! I didn't edit so ignore any errors.


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