No One

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*Daenerys's Pov*

For the past couple of months I had heard whispers. Whispers about the return of the Many-Faced God and his worshipers.
I knew of their exploits and skill as well. Arya Stark herself told me what it was like when she was "no one". How it felt to hide in the shadows and strike when called upon.

Their presence certainly irked me, but I knew that their skill in combat could surpass my own even with dragons by my side. Arya was proof of this, as she was a product of their teachings. I admit, I feared them, and still do fear them. The fact that they would kill people for coin disgusted me. Therefore, despite my fear of their kind, I made it my mission to arrest them all as soon as I became queen.

Upon my crowning as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms however, they up and vanished into thin air. I had no chance to remove them by myself. It was certainly odd that they would do such a thing. I simply took this as a sign that they knew they were not wanted and wanted to avoid bloodshed.

For over 6 years I had not heard a word about them. They were but a distant evil memory.
It was quite shocking for me then to hear people talking about a strange figure lurking around the market place. No one knew who they were, or where they came from. This was also around the time of the tournament.

In order to confirm whether these rumors were true, I stationed a couple of my unsullied throughout the market square. They too confirmed seeing a strange hooded figure walking about. When they would chase said figure, they would disappear as if by magic.

After the tournament was over and 'Sir Philip' won, combined with the issues Myra and I were dealing with at the time, it completely slipped my mind. The unsullied stopped reporting the presence of the figure, so I assumed they had left King's Landing.
How wrong I was... the figure was closer than ever.

It was no coincidence that 'Philip' won the tournament. I was a fool to have not seen this. Prior to the event I had actually met Philip before at another competition that he didn't do to well. In fact, he was completely horrible and came in dead last. Though I had not paid to much attention.

The improvement between Philip back then and the 'Philip' that participated in the tournament was drastic, and downright impossible. At the time, I believed he improved and trained harder. I was a fool not to realize that Philip was a completely different person.
Philip was now "no one".

I started to notice something was off as soon as he moved into the palace. I'd hear from other guards that Philip would wander the castle at night. At times, no one knew where he was.
Still, I had not come to suspect anything sinister. Sure his behaviors was weird, but that was all that it was. Weird. His acting was also quite amazing.

What confirmed that he was not who he said he was, was when he showed me painted pictures of his family and himself as a child. I assume "no one" retrieved these photos when they killed him for his face.
In every picture he wore the same golden ring. However, when I would see him he would never wear a ring of any kind.
I asked him about it and he said it belonged to his dead father, and that he lost it and it wasn't a big deal.
If it belonged to your dead father, would you not care?

My suspicions were confirmed when I asked Missandei to carefully check his room while she was 'cleaning' it. Upon her inspection she came across a piece of parchment neatly tucked  away in a hidden compartment inside his desk.

It read:
Targets: Myra and Daenerys
Amount: 50,000 gold coins

No normal person would dare challenge my rule knowing I had dragons by my side. I wasn't positive, but I only knew of one organization that accepted money in exchange for murder. They did not care who they killed or their back story, as long as the price was right. All I needed to do was show 'Philip' the piece of paper to confirm whether or not I was right.

It was certainly a stretch. He could have simply lied and said it wasn't his or made up some other excuse. But to my surprise he didn't.
His expression when I showed him said it all.
He hadn't expected to be caught so soon, or before he had the chance to kill me.

My face turned white at the thought of something happening to Myra.
I snapped my fingers and the unsullied move toward him, grabbing him by his arms.
"You are a great actor. Now, before I kill you why don't you tell me what you did to Myra" I spoke clenching my teeth angrily.

"Its to late your grace. No need to fret, I'll put you out of your misery. I was saving you for later, but I can no longer wait. The Many Faced God awaits you" he spoke stoically before pulling out 2 blades from his sleeves. No Once chuckled as he tossed the unsullied to the floor.
In one swift movement he stabbed both the unsullied in the neck.

I watched in horror as the bled out on the steps in front of me. I looked at Tyrion who looked equally as shocked.
No One stalked towards me.
I slowly backed up unsure of what to do. Tyrion stood in front of me protectively.
"I'm sorry but I cannot allow you to do that" he stated.
No One didn't even flinch as he smacked Tyrion away, causing him to fly away a few feet away.
He continued toward me, until I felt my back hit the throne.

"No hard feelings, your Grace. This is nothing personal" No One stated holding a knife to my throat.
"Just get it over with already" I stated tired of his games. "If Myra is already dead, I'll be with her, and my sun and stars again" I spoke.
I closed my eyes waiting for impact.

I felt liquid splatter over my face.
I opened my eyes, only to see No Ones body slowly fall to the ground. An unsullied spear lay in his head, emerging out the opposite side.
I glanced behind where the dead body lay to see Myra and another girl standing beside her.
Her eyes were red and wide, and she was panting heavily.

Next thing I knew, her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she collapsed to the floor convulsing rapidly.

Hey everyone I decided to update in celebration of G of T starting up again!
What did you guys think of the first episode? I thought it was good, but mostly just a filler. I hope more action comes soon!
Ignore any mistakes I didn't edit.
As always vote and comment for more.


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