The Confrontation

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*Myra's Pov.*

I opened my eyes slowly, and was greeted by the afternoon sun. I had slept in late. Great, my mom wasn't gonna be to happy.

Forcing myself out of bed I made my way down to the kitchen.
"Well look who's finally awake" Isabella spoke leaning against the counter and crossing her arms.

"Sorry I don't know what happened... I guess I was more tired than I thought" I replied groggily. It still felt as though I could sleep another few hours. But I knew I couldn't, I had work to do and someone to confront. "Where is Mom?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"She's out at the market right now. Its been about an hour, so she will probably be back soon" Isabella explained.
I nodded and moved around the kitchen looking for something to eat. As I was doing so, my thoughts drifted to Daenerys (unsurprisingly).

I could care less at this point whether or not Philip was the future "king". All I could think about were the bruises on Daenerys' arm.
I was calmer today, certainly less heated, but it didn't mean I would let him get away with it - king or not.
Grabbing an apple I made my way back upstairs and started readying myself for what I knew wouldn't be a pleasant conversation.

I walked up the stairs toward the throne room. The unsullied nodded in greeting and opened the doors for me.
The Iron Throne stood tall and dead center, it's form as strong and intimidating as it's Queen.

I glanced around, however neither Daenerys nor Philip were in sight. I walked back toward the unsullied soldiers.
"Would you guys know by any chance where Queen Daenerys and ehm "king" Philip are?" I asked them. I didn't want to seem too suspicious.

"We saw her Grace walk out of the throne room about an hour ago with Tyrion by her side" one spoke.
"And Philip?" I asked nonchalantly.
"His future highness I believe is in the palace library" the second spoke.
I thanked the two soldiers and made my way down the steps toward the library.

I reached a set of wooden double doors. The second set of soldiers nodded in greeting and pushed them open. The library was undeniably beautiful. Rows and rows of books lined the shelves, both old and new. I personally was more of a fighter than a reader, but it was certainly impressive regardless.

I jumped when I heard a voice behind me.
"Well if isn't it Myra. I haven't seen you in a long time, since the war if I remember correctly" Sam spoke.
"Hey Sam how's it going?" I asked smiling.
As a Maester he was often busy with study, while I was practicing in the arena. Not to mention my absence from Kings Landing this past year. We were at two opposite ends of the spectrum.

"It's going well, keeping busy reading and such" he replied. "Thanks for the information about the white walkers, I never had the chance to thank you properly" I replied.
"Ah don't mention it, I'm just glad to be of use. Plus, you and John saved us all" he chuckled.

"How is John by the way, I haven't heard from him in a while?" I asked curiously.
"He's doing alright, pretty busy of course as the Lord of Winterfell. Though Sansa helps out he takes on most of the duties. We have exchanged a couple of ravens the past few months, nothing too crazy" Sam explained.

"Well I'd really like to see him—" I started before I was cut off by a voice.
"And what would a Lord want to do with a measly poor prisoner like you?"
I turned around and came face to face with the man I had been looking for.

"I think you are mistaken my lord, Myra here is a great warrior she—" Sam started to explain before he was also interrupted.
"Oh shut up, no one gives a shit what you have to say. You Maesters think you are all that with your ugly long robes and chains. But you aren't. You are just idiots who can't get women so you stick your head inside books instead of between a woman's thighs. It's sad really" Philip spoke harshly.

Sam stood frozen unable to comprehend Philip's harsh words. It looked like he was about to cry. He didn't deserve that at all.

"What did you just say to my friend?" I spoke. "You heard me" he replied arrogantly. I could feel my blood boil as Philip smirked.
"You had no right to say that to him. He did nothing to you" I argued.
"I can do and say what I please. I'm the future king. Just being in the presence of both of you is making me feel ill" he stated glowering at me.

I stepped into Philip's personal space and whispered harshly, "first insulting a respected Maester and hitting women, my my we are off to a bad start aren't we Philip."
His eyes widened comically before he grabbed me by the front of my shirt.
"That's 'King' Philip to you prisoner" he stated with his nostrils flaring angrily.

"If you hit Daenerys again so help me—-"
"What? What will you do little girl? Fight me? You're pathetic" he interrupted.
Before he could comprehend my next move I kicked him in the groin.
Philip fell to his knees in agony.
"What the f—, guards... guards!" Philip yelled causing the two soldiers outside to rush into the room. They grabbed me by the arms and pulled me away from him.

"She assaulted me! Take her to the dungeons, and keep her there. DO NOT tell Daenerys about this under any circumstance. Got it?" he asserted finally getting to his feet.
The soldiers looked at each other hesitantly before nodding dragging me toward the exit.
I glanced back to see Philip's angry scowl and Sam's worried face staring after me.

"Get in there you punk" the guards said pushing me into the cell. I fell to the floor and turned around to glare at them as they turned to leave.

I sighed and put my head in my hands. How was it that I always ended up in the palace dungeon?

"Psst...psst..." I heard coming from my left.
I turned my head and came face to face with a girl about my age. She had black hair and blue eyes, and her face held a cheeky smile as she sat in the cell next to mine.

"Hi, I'm Rachel" she spoke smoothly.
"I'm Myra."
(1100 words)

Hello everyone, hope you all hand a good New Years. Back at it again with some more Philip drama. So you got your first glimpse of Rachel. Wonder what she did to be arrested... :p Anyways thanks for reading! Comment and vote for more, and ignore any errors (I didn't edit).


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