Her Touch

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(Trigger warning for assault)

-Flashback Unknown Pov.-

The two lovers kissed passionately in the middle of the throne room. Completely engulfed in each other, they craved one another not just in body but in soul. Their love transcended most type of love: a love that started strong and fizzled out as passion disappeared. Their love surpassed time and space, and would never falter. However, this did not guarantee they would live happily, or even together for that matter. Life would try to separate them, challenge them, and pull them apart.

-End of Unknown's Flashback-

*Daenerys' Pov.*

I had been ignoring Myra the last few days. I hated doing it, but I had to.
I was engaged to be married to a man I didn't love. I thought back to the kiss a couple days before.
My mind began to drift off.

-Flashback Daenerys-

The kiss was everything and more.
Her lips were as soft as I remembered.
Her skin was soft to the touch.
Her hair like silk as I ran my hand through it.
I could feel the callouses on her hands from training and she held me close and ran her hands across my skin.

When air became to much we pulled away breathlessly and stared at each other, our foreheads touching.
Myra smiled at me, that smile that made me fall in love with her when we first met.
I felt my heart contract in pain. I knew what would come next: reality.

"I-I-I" I started before Myra pulled me into a hug.
My arms remained limp at my side. This gave me a moment to recover and steady myself.
I had to remain strong, no matter how much she pleaded with me.
Driving her away coldly was the only way I knew how to set her free. She would hate me, but she would also forget about me eventually and move one.
I pushed her away slowly and prepared myself for the worst.

-Flashback over-

I snapped out of it and noticed my hands were shaking. I dropped the quill I was holding and looked around my chambers.
They were empty. Exactly like how I felt right now. I looked outside and noticed it was dark.
A knock on the door made me jump.

"Who is it?" I called trying to keep my voice from shaking.
I wiped my eyes quickly to try and hide my watery eyes.
Philip entered to room smiling ear to ear.
As usual, he didn't notice my tears, or simply chose to ignore them.

"My love, what are you doing up so late?" he asked. I didn't get the chance to answer. He immediately noticed the papers on the table. "Don't worry about those papers you can do them tomorrow. You are the Queen, people wait for you. Now what do you say we go to bed?" he questioned raising his eyebrows.

"I can't Philip. As a Queen I have responsibilities to uphold. I cannot simply stop when ever I want" I exerted turning away from him and back to the papers in front of me.
I heard nothing behind me. He didn't speak for a while, and suddenly put his hands on my shoulders. He squeezed them just hard enough not to leave a mark.

I felt my blood run cold.
"Honey, I suggest you put that away and listen to your future husband."
He leaned down near my face and whispered in my ear. "You and I can do whatever the FUCK we like. We rule the seven kingdoms." I could smell the wine on his breath.

I sat still, waiting for his next move.
"Now... THIS can go!" he yelled ripping the quill from my hand, throwing it to the side, and flipping the table over with a crash.
I jumped up in surprise and stood up,watching as my papers scattered everywhere.

"Philip what the hell are you doing!" I exclaimed. Up until this point he hadn't done anything like this. Sure he was arrogant, but he wasn't violent till now.
"I'm doing what I want you slut" he replied slurring his words.
Philip stepped closer to me, his 6"0 towering over my 5"2 form.

I stepped away as he moved to grab my arm. He tried a second time.
This time however I was to slow and he gripped my arm forcefully. I felt a bruise form as he pulled me in and moved to kiss me. He sloppily ran his tongue along my lips trying to get me to open my mouth.
I tried pushing him away to no avail.

A loud roar echoed nearby causing him to pull away quickly and fall down.
He scrambled to pull himself up and looked outside.
Drogon flew by, his red eyes gleaming in the night. I smiled and internally thanked him.

Philip steadied himself and turned to glare at me. "You're lucky you have those dragons to protect you" he slurred before walking out the door to who knows where.
I rubbed my arms with my hands trying to calm down. It was at times like this that made me miss Myra even more. Her touch could calm me instantly.

*Myra's Pov.*

It was late, but I enjoy the night. Viserion does too. He loved flying at night, with the wind running across his scales. The wind running through my hair was nice too.

Tonight though we divided to just sit and watch the stars. My dad and I used to do it all the time. I now found a love for it again with Viserion. Though he didn't watch the stars he mostly just looked around.

I closed my eyes and sighed. This was my getaway. Away from reality... and from Daenerys.
I was pulled out of my thoughts however by a sudden roar. I sat up quickly and looked around frantically. I saw Drogon fly overhead, and over the castle.

A terrible feeling rushed over me. I knew I should investigate, it was Daenerys after all, but I didn't. For the first time, I decided to ignore my heart.
(1000 words)

Hi everyone! I know this was an intense chapter (I'm sure none of you were really expecting), but none the less I hope u enjoyed. As always, vote and comment for more!


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