Jaqen H'ghar

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Wow sorry for the super long wait everybody! Thanks for bearing with me. Got 2 jobs and I'm doing my masters so life is crazy right now. Anyways, without further ado....

*Arya's Pov.*

I stared down at the man pinned down below me.
Jaqen... he was "no one", yet someone to me.
After stealing 3 deaths from the Red god, all he needed was to hear 3 names and he would do the rest. And after helping Hot Pie, Gendry and I escape Flea Bottom he had given me a coin that helped me reach Braavos when my brother Robb and my Mother were killed. He saved my life, now I was trying to kill him.

On the other hand, he also told Waif to kill me at the end of my service toward the Many Faced god. I could never truly read him or understand whether he was trying to help me or harm me. I didn't even know if "Jaqen" was his real name.

I hadn't seen him since I left Braavos long ago to return home. He let me leave, even though I knew he could kill me if he wanted.

He stared up at me with a twinkle on his eye, almost daring me to end him. "Do it, Arya Stark of Winterfell. Offer me to the Many Faced god."
My hands started shaking as I held him down by his hands. Jaqen wasn't struggling, but lying still as stone. He closed his eyes and whispered "valar morghulis."

I hastily stepped back breathing heavily, having not heard those words in a long time. I couldn't do it...I couldn't fucking do it. He opened his eyes and met my gaze. "A girl has changed her mind?"
However, before I could respond I was interrupted by a voice.

"What the hell are you doing!? Kill that son of a bitch" Myra yelled pointing at him.
Jaqen turned to face her wordlessly. "Valar morghulis, all men must die, Myra of Kings Landing. You are no exception."
Myra visibly paled and the dragon queen gripped her hand tightly.
"You too Daenerys Stormborn. Even the Mother of Dragons will die eventually" he added meeting her fierce blue eyes.

"Please don't Jaqen, they are my family and friends. You can't! Just leave and forget this ever happened" I exclaimed stepping in front of them. I cringed hearing the desperation in my voice. I knew I couldn't beat him in combat, this was the only way and I had given up my chance.

He shook his head. " 'No One' has been paid, and the Many Faced god requires a face."
"What if we can get you another face?" Daenerys announced quickly stepping forward.
Jaqen paused.
"Which face?" he asked.
"The face of the person who paid you to hunt us. You would get to keep your money and get a face for your god" Myra stated.

"That could work" Jaqen smirked slightly.
"Ok then tell us their name" Myra said crossing her arms frustrated.
"I cannot simply tell you their name. That is for you to find out on your own" he replied.
"But—" Myra started before she was interrupted.
"3 days. You have exactly 3 days to find out who it is and kill them. I will be back, and if you have not found and killed them I will have no choice but to execute you both."
-A few hours later-

*Myra's Pov.*

"Time is ticking. Do you have anything that can lead you to who may have wrote that letter" Tyrion said.
"No, there was no signature" Daenerys stated.
"What about the handwriting? Do you recognize it?"
"No, but it is definitely not someone who has been taught by a teacher. The writing is quite sloppy" she said wisely.

"That's a good start. Hmm... what about the type of quill used? Is it thick or thin?" Tyrion added.
"It is on the thicker side" Dany said analyzing the paper.  "So it is likely owned by someone of higher status" Tyrion concluded.

"Or they could have just borrowed or stolen the quill" I stated annoyed.
"Look, this isn't getting us anywhere. We need to think, who would want you both killed as well as know about your relationship?" Arya voiced.

Then it hit me. "I know who it is."

I walked down the cobblestone path, with Greyworm and Arya at my side. Daenerys followed close behind, surrounded by a dozen Unsullied, followed by Rachel who held her knife tightly.
The moon was high in the sky, it's light shining down upon us as we emerged from the shadows.

"Ok I'll go first..." I whispered stepping toward the door and picking the lock.
However before I could step inside Daenerys grabbed my hand and pulled me back. She shook her head and I watched as she gestured the Unsullied to enter first. The Unsullied searched the main floor, giving the all clear, allowing us to enter.

"We need to wake him up first" I said gesturing to the bedroom. Daenerys nodded and followed, while the Unsullied stood nearby.
I opened the door softly and tip toed towards the bed. I carefully placed my hand over the sleeping mans mouth to prevent a scream.
He awoke with a start, eyes wide with fear.
"We are not here to hurt you, nor are we here for you" I said glancing quickly at Daenerys across the bed. She nodded in assurance.

His wife stirred at the sound of my voice.
"I'm going to remove my hand now. Don't scream, and stay right where you are until you are told it is ok to move."
He nodded in understanding, as did his wife once she began to comprehend the situation.
Moving my hand away we swiftly exited the room and made our way upstairs.

One door was closed at the top of the stairs.
The Unsullied in front of me raised his hand and 3 of his fingers.
One. Two. Three. He began to count down silently.
He quickly opened the door entered the room, only to fall to the floor a second later.

Blood pooled around his head as an arrow pierced his eye. I sat stunned at the horrific scene, while the remaining Unsullied stormed the room.
It was all a blur, screaming, blood.... until it just stopped.

He was knelt on the floor before me and Daenerys, helpless.
His crossbow was tossed aside now in pieces, and blood coated his face from the assault.

Thank you for reading. The book will conclude in a few chapters.


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