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*Myra's Pov.*

I watched frozen as Daenerys walked towards us all.
"My love" Philip spoke walking to greet her halfway with a kiss. I cringed at the sight.
When they pulled away Daenerys' eyes met mine instantly.
I felt that same electric pull between us strengthen, and a warm feeling wash over me I always felt when I was with her. It felt good to be back in her presence again after so long.

Instead of greeting me however she directed her attention to Darrio.
"Darrio, care to explain how a fight broke out in the middle of the streets... one I heard you started" she asked him.
Darrio shrunk back at her intimidating gaze.

"Well you see your Grace..."
"I started the fight" I interrupted wanting her gaze back on me. I craved her attention.
"She wasn't talking to you girl" Philip exclaimed glaring at me.
Daenerys raises her had up to silence him.
She then paused for a second to ready herself before opening her mouth to reply.
"I heard from my guards that it was, in fact, Darrio who started the fight in the streets. This could only mean that you are lying" Daenerys stated narrowing her eyes at me.

"The fight started many months before then, your grace" I replied slightly agitated at her accusatory tone.
"That makes no sense what so ever. Lying to her Grace is a deed punishable by death" Philip said.
I rolled my eyes. What was with this guy and execution? He reminded me a lot of the bastard "King" Joffrey I heard about in that sense.

"Let me explain. Before I... left a couple months ago I found out something Darrio did to someone I love. And still love" I emphasized looking at Daenerys. Her eyes narrowed at me slightly and pain flashed across her face. I continued. "...It was something that greatly upset me. Therefore, I naturally decided to confront him. In doing so, I admit, I acted violently and punched Darrio knocking him out. He was unable to defend himself and decided to confront me today, months later. It truly was me who started the fight..." I trailed off.

Before Daenerys could reply Philip interrupted.
"I find that story hard to believe. How can a grown man be knocked out by a girl? It makes no sense. Men are strong, and can surely take a hit from a girl, and then retaliate much stronger. Unless, that is, Darrio isn't a man but a woman in disguise" Philip stated arrogantly and chuckling to himself. The room remained silent as his laugh echoed around the hall.

"What Myra says is the truth. And I assure you, I am very much a man" Darrio responded calmly. Philip glared at Darrio due to his demeanor and his failure to react to his comment.
"I think we would all like to know what this 'action' Darrio committed was. All these holes in your story don't add up" Philip stated turning toward me.

My mouth went dry, and I started to panic internally. I didn't want him to know what happened, nor about the relationship I had with Daenerys. His ego wouldn't take it to kindly either. He was a ticking time bomb ready to explode.
"It's private. I cannot—" I started before Philip cut me off. "Oh yes you can" he stated stepping into my personal space. I backed up in defense.

"That's enough!" Daenerys exclaimed. The room went silent.
"You both are free to leave. As Tyrion stated, it was a simple misunderstanding that has now been resolved" she added.
"Daenerys you can't be serious. They are both crazy and violent, and the girl is a deserter—" Philip started.
Daenerys held up her had to silence him.

"You BOTH" she emphasized, "may leave at your own leisure," her voice hardening as she glared at Philip to keep him from speaking.
Not one to back down, Philip stared back defiantly.

Turning away from him Daenerys finally met my eyes again. Her gaze softened slightly and she scanned me from head to toe. I wonder if she felt the electricity between us again?
"Myra, may I talk to you before you leave for a minute or two" she asked with a softer voice and sad eyes.
"Certainly, your grace" I responded hesitant to be alone with her.

Everyone then left the throne room; Philip of course giving me a glare as the doors closed behind him.

Unable to meet Daenerys' eyes I stared at the floor. It felt like hours before Daenerys spoke.
"It's good to see you again Myra."
I looked up at her and felt my resolve crack a bit under her tender gaze. "You too" I smiled slightly.
A silence settled over us.
"I wanted to talk to you but I also wanted to give you space" Daenerys said wringing her hands together nervously - something she didn't do often. The Mother of Dragons was never nervous.
I remained silent.

"Where have you been this past year?" she continued.
"Here and there" I responded vaguely.
She nodded.
"The dragons miss their brother. Is he with you?" she asked.
"Valyrion never leaves my side" I replied.
"I see he has a name now."
"It came to me in a dream" I stated.
"As did mine."

"I see your married now. That guy seems nice" I chuckled sarcastically.
Daenerys sighed. "As the winner of the tournament I was obligated to marry Philip."
"You didn't have to do that stupid tournament anyway. It was your decision" I exclaimed angrily pacing around the hall.

"I was under pressure from many lords and ladies to marry. Plus, you left Myra. You did. You ran away like a scared, upset, little child. What was I supposed to do? Sit around and wait until you came back? I didn't even know if I would ever see you again. If you stayed maybe things would have been different!" Daenerys yelled back.
"Oh really? So you are telling me that if I stayed we would have gotten married and lived happily ever after with our dragon babies? Wake up Daenerys that never would have happened" I retaliated.

"And what if it did. What if you won the tournament. We could have been together right now" she argued.
I rolled my eyes. However, I couldn't help but imagine the scenario in my head. I sighed and rubbed my hand down my face in annoyance and exhaustion.
"You don't know that Daenerys" I whispered softly.

Daenerys took a few steps closer and pulled my hands away from my face. We stood close together now. Her blue eyes bearing into my green ones. They were hypnotic.
"Maybe not. But I do know that I love you Myra. So much. I never stopped loving you, and I feel complete being with you" Daenerys spoke emotionally, tears in her eyes.

Tossing away all remaining control, I leaned forward and kissed her soft plump lips. I was compete again.
(1100 words)

Hi all. Sorry for the lack of updates, its been pretty hectic for me. I had family in the hospital and my dog passed away. However, it won't stop me from updating for u readers :)
Hope you enjoyed the chapter, I didn't edit so ignore any errors.
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