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*Myra's Pov.*

"Myra... Myra... wake up. Ah there you go.... glad to see you're awake and doing better" a voice spoke as I was pulled out of my slumber.
I still felt extremely groggy and my vision was fuzzy. Once my vision steadied, I was able to make out Samwell Tarly's beaming face peering down at me.

"Damn my head hurts. What happened?" I asked my voice scratchy.
"I'm not surprised you don't remember, you were given a very powerful and rare poison. I'm not to sure exactly how you acquired it though...all I was really told was that you needed help immediately. Unfortunately however, I wasn't able to avoid the bloody catastrophe left in the throne room when I retrieved you. It made me feel rather woozy" Sam chuckled lightly to himself.

It all came rushing back to me. Philip. Rachel and I reaching the throne room to see him standing over Daenerys.
After Rachel and I knocked out a couple of guards and were able to escape, I started to feel very ill. I knew something wasn't right, and knew I needed Daenerys' help.

However, my previous thoughts emptied at the sight in front of me. All I felt was pure rage.
As soon as I saw her worried face, I acted out of pure instinct. I picked up the nearest weapon I could find, which happened to be the fallen unsullied spear, and killed him.
It kind of scared me how quickly I was able to take someone's life for Daenerys. It was as though I didn't think at all...I didn't try to talk to him or anything of the sort.
Once I knew Philip was dead, the pain became to much and... well nothing.

"You were lucky Tyrion had experience with this poison before. He knew immediately once seeing the effects what type of poison it was, so I was able to form a cure rather quickly. It's called the 'Sweet Farewell' if I remember correctly" he explained.
"Wh-who would try to poison me?" I asked my voice shaking a bit under the realization that I almost died.

"As I said I'm not to sure about those details. You will have to ask her Grace" Sam stated.
"Speaking of which, I was told to find her immediately once you woke up. Here is some water and food, I'll be back soon. And don't worry, you're in good hands" he added handing me a cup and a plate before walking out the door.

I sat in silence thinking through my day. How the hell did I get poisoned? The only thing I touched that day was the food brought down to me and Rachel. But that was by a little girl? A little girl wouldn't want to harm me... unless she was coerced perhaps?

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps. My heart began to beat faster at the thought of Daenerys opening the door any second.
However, I found myself gazing into the eyes of Tyrion. I sighed in relief, but also disappointment.
"You look disappointed. Expecting someone else?" he stated sitting on a nearby chair.
"No, it's just that Sam said he was getting Daenerys, so I expected it be her..." I trailed off.
"Though I am glad to see you, don't get me wrong" I immediately added awkwardly.

Tyrion chuckled.
"Any normal human being would pick staring at her Grace rather than at my ugly face, so I can't blame you."
I rolled my eyes at his comment and chuckled lightly, before coughing.
Getting up Tyrion immediately poured something into my cup from a flask he had hidden on him. Once he finished pouring the liquid into the cup he handed it to me.

I took the cup hesitantly. "Um what is this if you don't mind me asking?" I questioned.
"Wine, what else?" he replied taking a sip from his flask.
"I'm not sure if I should be having this right now..." I trailed off putting it on the table beside me.
"Trust me, you're gonna want it in a few minutes" Tyrion said taking a rather large gulp.
"What are you talk—" I started before I was interrupted by the creaking of the door.

Both Sam and Daenerys stepped through the door. Her blonde hair blew gracefully behind her as she walked over to the side of my bed and gripped my hand. Her eyes started watering slightly before she swallowed and composed herself.
"I'm glad to see you're doing better Myra. I'm sure you have many questions" she stated rubbing her thumb across my knuckles sweetly.
I blushed and nodded, not knowing where to start.

Daenerys took deep breath before explaining what she figured out... who Philip really was and about the followers of the Many Faced God.
My face went white.
"Tyrion, I think I'll take you up on that drink now" I spoke grabbing the cup off the side table and taking a large gulp. He shook his head and chuckled. "I told you so."

"Unfortunately, we don't know who payed for the contract. Myra, do you know how you got poisoned? Did you experience anything strange?" Daenerys asked.
"I was visited by a little girl sent to bring food, but that's about it" I replied.
"That 'girl' may have been Philip, or 'no one'. It makes complete sense, and was certainly very clever. No one would ever expect it" Tyrion concluded glancing at Daenerys.

She hummed and nodded in agreement.
"I agree with you Tyrion, it seems the most logical explanation. Since Philip failed his mission, it is likely they will send someone new very soon. The fact that our enemy can take the form of anyone is quite problematic if we are meant to defend ourselves" Daenerys stated biting her lip worriedly. I won't lie, even in my state it turned me on.

"Well we can't just do nothing and wait till they come back! That's suicide" Tyrion exclaimed.
Before he could continue a knock sounded at the door.
"Enter" Daenerys spoke authoritatively.

Missandei entered the room sheepishly and closed the door behind her.
"Sorry to interrupt your grace. I heard Myra was awake and just wanted to see how she was fairing" Missandei spoke.
"I'm doing better Missandei, thanks for coming" I stated smiling at her.
She smiled back and moved to stand next to Daenerys.

"So what do you suggest we do Tyrion?" Daenerys asked him quizzically.
"Well... I don't know" Tyrion trailed off in thought. 
"Well lucky for us I know someone that may be able to help us, and is well acquainted with the Many Faced God" Daenerys said.

"And who might this someone be?" I asked intrigued.
Daenerys turned and looked me dead in the eyes.
"Arya Stark."
(1100 words)

Hello everyone hope you are all enjoying Season 8, I know I am. The battle of Winterfell was phenomenal 👌🏻 What did you guys think? So many deaths 😢 As always, comment and vote!


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