"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

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(Aphmau's P.O.V, 6pm)

I am taking my time to walk over to Aaron's. Finally, after walking from my, Kawaii~Chan's and Katelyn's house over to him, I get there.

I knock.

Suddenly a taller than me figure stands in the doorway.

"Hello" I said as I would say to anyone.

"Hey Aphmau" Aaron said with some kind of hesitation.

I could tell that he want's to talk to me about something that's on his mind.

(Aaron's P.O.V)

I welcome Aphmau into my living-room and make her and me tea.

I sit down next to her, trying to gather the courage to ask her to date me. What if she said no and we can't be friends because of all the awkwardness between us.....But I still need to try. I can't keep it to myself my whole life. Plus someone might take her away from me.

"So...Whats on your mind, Aaron?"She asked turning to me.

"What do you mean? Can't i just invite you to hang out?" I asked turning to her as well.

"Ok, then what do you wanna do?" She stared into my eyes saying that.

"Hmmmm.....what about if we watch something? Got something on mind maybe?" I passed the TV remote and passed it to Aph, She knows I have netflix so she could pick anything in the world that she would want to watch.

"What about Frozen?" She giggled.

"Really? From all of the films you could of had chosen, you chose Frozen" 

"Come on, it's just my 20th time watching it" She smiled even more cheekily.

"Fiiiiine" I gave in because I don't want to argue about something stupid like what to watch.

After 2 hours the movie ended         ( I am sorry I dont know how long Frozen is)

I paused the TV and turned to face her.

"Aphmau......I want to ask you something......" 

(Aphmau's P.O.V)

The movie had ended; Aaron paused the TV.

"Aphmau....I want to ask you something....." Said suddenly a deep voice of the dark coloured hair man that was sitting directly next to me. I knew Aaron was serious. I could hear it by his tone.

I turned around and said "Yes Aaron, what is it?"

"Well uhhh umm...." He hesitates while speaking. It's the first time that I heard him stutter on what he is saying.

"You know that you can ask and tell me anything in the world, you know that right Aaron?" I asked calmly still waiting for what he wants to tell or ask me.

"yeah...I know, its just I never asked anyone before this....." He said.

"You can do it Aaron, I believe in you" I cheered him on, but felt awkward right after seeing as I never heard anyone cheer someone on about talking.

"Aphmau....I've been longing to ask you this.....Will you be my girlfriend?" He said straight forward, blushing crimson red along his cheeks and nose.

I blushed the same way. 

This was not something that I expected from Aaron coming out.

I stared blankly into his eyes that are keeping going right and left from my both eyes.


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