The park

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(Aarons POV)

After Aph changed we walked to the park and sat down on a bench while eating icecream.

"How have you been these past 3 years" Aphmau asked

"I just worked to be honest" I replied 

"Nothing else?" she faced me

"I didnt have any other things to do" I said "How was bringing Alina into this world?"

"Hard, I passed out after around 20 hours" I answered "They had to wake me up using some smell on a stick"

Pain struck me. I should have been there with her.

"Without counting the start of the contractions, It took me around 12-14 hours to get her out" She said. "She was born 3 months early, ya know, she didnt cry. She smiled whens he looked at me and then I lullied her to sleep" 

She reached for her pocket, taking out her phone. 

"Here" She passed it to me                                                                             

"Thats Alina when she was sleeping, they didnt share it on social media because they didnt want you to see it

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"Thats Alina when she was sleeping, they didnt share it on social media because they didnt want you to see it."                                    

Shes beautiful. 

I returned the phone.

"Is it hard with Alina?" I asked

"No, shes an angel" She smiled "But I feel bad for not working, Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan say its fine and that I should just take care of Alina rather than letting a baby sitter take care of her" 

"Speaking of which, dont you have work?" She asked

"Yeah, but its half term remember?" I said

"Oh yeah, the reason Alina isnt in pre-school" She said

"Whos taking care of Alina?" I asked

"Katelyn, she doesnt have work today" She answered.

"Hey, I know this is out of the blue and that things just started to go back to normal but if you want to, you could live with me" I said.

"Wouldn't that be to much though?" She asked

"No, it would be just like a family, parents and children/child" He said.

"I don't see any problems in that offer" She said finishing of her icecream cone.

"I-if you dont like my house we could always move" I said.

"Huh? What? No no no, I love your house, I mean I dont love it but......" She stressed out

"Its fine I get it, I was just joking with you" I grinned "If you wouldnt like it im pretty sure you would say that earlier or your face expressions before entering the house would be different" 

She smiled shyly. 

I kissed her cheek. 

"We could change up the guest room into Alinas room, its pretty big so it would even do for her to share with her future siblings" I joked

"W-WHAT?" She blushed like crazy

"Haha, you should see you face" I laughed 

"A-ARON" She stabbed me with her elbow

"What, are you saying you dont want any more children with me" I continued my joke.


I kissed her on her lips to calm her down. 

"I was joking with you, even if I'd say I would want more children, I think I'd rather propose first and get married" I said.

I dont know how thats possible but Aph blushed even more than she did to begin with.

"Pfft, Your face expression right now" I chuckled 

"You owe me another icecream for this" She said

"As you wish, m'lady" I stood up to go to the icecream van with her.

I got her another mint icecream and we headed back to my house.

"To move in, do I just pack stuff into a suitcase and unpack it at your place and I automatically live with you?" She asked

"I believe so" I said "I'll help you of course, especially  with furniture you'd like to bring" 

"I think I'd leave all the furniture with the girls" She said 

"What about Alinas bed?" I asked

"I'll bring that over for some time I guess and once I get a job I could save up for a new bed for her" She said

"You realize that when you move in with me, my money is yours aswell" I said

"Yeah - I mean no, I mean now I know but I dont feel good about using up your money" She said

"Dont worry about it, I got a good job that pays good money, so if you dont want to, you dont have to get a job" I reassured her

"But I want to work, I dont work at my  place right now, and I feel awful about it" She looked at me "I could get a job that I work when Alina's at her pre-school" 

"If you really insist" I said

"Thanks" She said

"But I insist that I buy Alina a bed....and maybe a few furniture pieces for her room" I said

"U-uh...fine" She gave in "I guess I'll just leave all the stuff in the attic." She smirked "And if we have any more children we can get the crib from the attic" 

I blushed but I didn't let her see it. I won't go down like this ;(

"Yes" I said, trying to sound confident "Thats a great idea"

I could hear her laughing. 

"Is moving in a slow process?"She asked

"That depends" I said "It depends how fast you pack. Though I wouldnt mind taking it slow, packing a box or a suitcase at a time and then taking it into my house and returning to carry on packing" 

"I'm pretty sure if I ask rather nicely, the girls would help me pack" She said

"What? Are you so desperate to move in with me?"I said

She blushed. I smiled. 

We came to her gate. 

"Goodnight Aph, say hello to Alina for me" I kissed her, she kissed back.

"Night Aaron" She hugged me. 

I watched her go into her house, she stopped in the doorway to give me a wave and went in. I started returning home.

Hey kitties, I just wanted to say thank you for all of those sweet comments <3 





Those are examples because I've seen them comment a few times, I'm pretty sure I answered a few times ':) sorry if not, I try to but If i have nothing to say then it will sound stupid. But honestly, those comments make my day because its not everyday people are nice to me or nice about my work or nice at all

Have a nice day <3

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