Information and schedule

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Hello, I'm just going to say that I'm not posting a part today because  it's Sunday and I don't really do "stuff" on Sundays....yeah well I also came up with a schedule of when I'm posting but keep in mind that I'm not going to keep up with it every time - sorry.

Ok so heres the schedule of my week days, kitties:


Coming back from school

 at 4 bc I go boxing club and

then at 6 I need to be at my singing 

lesson, so unless im super bored I

wont upload.


There's a chance I might uplaod

but there's also not a chance I uplaod. 

I have piano lessons straight after school.


98% chance I'll upload because

I am freeeeeeeeeeee.


Again, 98% chance that I'll

upload because I'm free - same with Friday though

On Friday there's about 50% I'll upload because there's 50% chance

that I'll do my homework for my Saturday school.


I got my Polish Satuday school so then it depends if I upload.


I am free as ever so I usually spend my day in my pj's

so if I really don't have anything to do then I'll uplaod.

                                    THE END   

Sorry that I wrote it so weirdly XD

I hope you have a GREAT AND EXCELLENT day and that, that will carry on through out the whole week. 

Baii Kitties <3 (Or pups if your more of a pup person - I don't mind I love all of the animals!

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