Part 32

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Hey, well its been a long time :')

Im sorry for not posting but I dont think its a good thing to post if you dont have any insparation nor an idea off what to do next and if id force another part then im pretty sure it wouldnt be as good as i imagined. BUT THANK YOU FOR THE READS!!!

Heres part 32

(Aarons POV)         (Living room)

Shes holding the teddy I gave her

"Uhhh" I started saying      What the heck do I say to a child?      "What do you want to do Alina?" 

"Cwan we go to the pawk?" She asked with the most sweetest voice I ever heard - well part from Aphmau's

"Sure, lets put your shoes back on in that case" I walked Alina back to the entrance corridor and helped her tie her shoe laces.

"Your taking your teddy?" I asked seeing as she never really let go of him since she came.

"Yeah" She responded shortly.

We started walking to the park and before the gate an ice cream truck came. 

Alina gasped with excitment "CWAN WE GET SOME ICE-CWEAM?!"

"Sure" I said and we came up to the line "What flavour would you like?"

"Chocowate with spwinkles pwease" she said 

"Hello, can I have a chocolate ice-cream in a cone with sprinkles?" I asked the Ice-ream man

"Sure thing sir, anything else?" He asked

"Uhhhh A plain vanilla ice cream in a cone as well" I said and payed the man.

I passed the ice cream down to Alina

"Thwank You Daddy" She said

Daddy? She called me daddy, never in a million years I thought I'd be called "daddy"

We sat on a bench and we ate ice cream together.

"So hows mommy doing?" I asked

"She's okay, she cwies a lot at night" She said.

"Wait what? " I turned to face her "Do you know why?"

"Nwo" She said "Bwut she kweeps on saying a name at nwight"

"What name?" I asked

"Awon" She answered

I mighten of had a near chance of suffering a heart attack right there

"She sways shes owkay" She smiled

We finished our ice creams and played on the swings, at 12pm I wondered if she had a nap time.

"Princess, do you have a nap time?" I asked

"Sometimes, if I fweel sweepy" She said.

"I see, and are you sleepy?" I asked

"Nwo" She said "Daddy, cwan we go home?" she asked

"Of course" I said and we were starting to leave the park. Thats when I made eye contacts with Laurence and Garroth - Zane was there to but I wasn't as worried about him.

(Laurences POV)

"Guys, is that Aaron?" I asked

"With Alina?" Garroth exclaimed

We were starting to walk towards him but Zane stopped us

"Zane what are you doing?" I snapped

"I don't think its a good idea for us to interfere, especially you Laurence, with your temper. Alina might end up hurt and Aphmau would never forgive us" Zane explained

"I agree but what if he kidnapped her?" Garroth said

"I doubt she'd be as happy as she is now if she would of been, plus Aaron wouldnt be as stupid as to bring her outside to the park, were we hang out most of the time" Zane answered

To bad they hadn't realized I was already half way towards Aaron.

"Laurence?" Garroth said. "LAURENCE!" They both shouted and came quickly towards me

"What are you doing with Alina?" Laurence snapped.

"Laurence get a hold of yourself" Zane said calmly 

"NO, I asked you a question Aaron!" He yelled.

"Aphmau let me spend time with her" He answered

Alina had watery eyes and hid behind Aaron.

"Laurence, your scaring the child" Garroth said.

"Well to bad, I'm bringing her back to Aphmau" I started moving towards Alina but Aaron grabbed her up into his hands

"Hand her over you bastard!" I yelled "You have no right to-" "LAURENCE" The guys shouted.

Alina burst into tears, Aaron trying to calm her down.

"Aaron, start walking away we (think) we got him" Zane said

Aaron started doing as he was told but I grabbed his hand, leaving scratch marks.

"Laurence please, I am not lying to you, but please stop your scaring Alina" Aaron said

(Garroths POV)

I walked of unnoticed. I grabbed my phone and quickly called Aphmau, after two tries she answered.

Aph: Hey, whats up?

Garroth: Aph, make your way quickly to the park!

Aph: What happened?

Garroth: Laurence and Aaron -

Aph: I'll be right over just dont let Alina get hurt!

She hung up and I made my way back to the scene. People were starting to gather round.

(Aarons POV)

I hugged Alina tightly to my chest as I could, Laurence was starting to get really aggressive.

He punched me, nearly getting Alina but I covered her with my arms and turned around and tried to walk away. 

Garroth and Zane pulled on his arms, giving me time to run, before that Laurence tried to make me trip over by kicking me hard into my leg but I didn't care, as long as Alina's safe.

"Laurence!" A familiar voice cried out

I never saw Aphmau that angry

"Aph, He has a hold of Alina" Laurence said

"Oh you dont say!" She snapped. Alina was still crying

She came towards me and picked her up into a motherly hug.

"If you think I wouldn't know where Alina was then you were very wrong Laurence" She said shushing Alina

"But how can you forgive him?! He literally left you when you were with Alina!" He stated

"That doesn't change the fact that he's the father" She said "Everyone deserves a second chance!" 

"You had many chances from me Laurence!" She said 

"Aphmau....your right" He said ashamed of himself "I'm really sorry" 

"If you're ever in this situation just contact me asking" She told him

"Wait, how did you know this was going on?" He asked.

"I called her" Garroth said 

My nose started bleeding.

"Aaron are you okay?" Zane asked. 

"Yes I'm fine, Laurence just knows how to pack a good punch" I said

Aphmau glared at Laurence

"Aaron, can we go to your or mine house to patch you up?" She asked

"Sure, you can pick which house" I said.

"Your house in that case, lets go" She said still hugging Alina "And you guys behave!" 

Hope you liked it, and my autocorrect changed Laurance's name and I haven't realized.

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