👪The Hernandez's👪

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《Will and Ally》


(Listen while you read: "Down to Earth" from the movie WALL-E)

Tiny footsteps were heard getting closer to the master bedroom as the couple was packing. Soon the door opened, and a head full of light blonde curls bounced all around as she searched desperately for her Tiggy.

"Mommy! Daddy! Tiggy's gone!"

The poor child was close to tears as she continued to look for the stuffed beast that gave her life so much joy.

"I told you it wouldn't be a good idea to pack him away before she woke up," Will playfully scolded his wife, giving her a small peck on the cheek before going to unpack their daughter's stuffed animal from her Beauty and the Beast suitcase.

Ally blushed slightly, thinking she was saving some time for them to pack if she started packing some of their daughter's things first. Crouching down to the five year old's height, she ran her fingers through her daughter's soft curls, her other hand gently wiping away the tears rolling down her now rosy red cheeks.

"Lizzie honey," she began softly, "Tiggy's not gone. Mommy just thought that it would be a good idea to put him in your suitcase while you were taking a nap. I didn't want him to spill anything on himself while we're on our trip to Aunt DJ's."

Just then, Will came back in the room with the object of discussion, a warm grin on his face.

"Guess who daddy found catchin' z's in you suitcase?"

Lizzie's glossy eyes brightened as the corners of her mouth turned into a smile.


She ran to her father, grabbing her Tiggy and holding him tightly to her heart as she squeezed her eyes shut. She then opened her big eyes, only to close them again for a second as she kissed the top of the small beast's head.

"You're gonna love it at Aunt DJ's, Tiggy," she whispered, causing her parents to smile.

"You excited to see your cousin Kai mija?" Ally asked, continuing to pack her suitcase as well as finish Lizzie's.

"Yes!" the little blonde answered excitedly. "I really miss him. And I miss Aunt DJ. Is she still sad about Uncle Lenny?"

Both Ally and Will stopped their packing and looked at their daughter in mild shock. They hadn't expected the five year old to still remember what had happened to him. She was only two when it happened, but he was also her favorite uncle. It only took her about a day without his presence and the evidence of her Aunt DJ's tear stained cheeks to know that he was no longer on this earth.

Ally went to pick Lizzie up, both of them sitting on her and Will's king sized bed.

"I honestly can't answer that my love," she began somberly, "but daddy and I would like to think that her and Kai are taking everything one day at a time. I don't think she would've invited us for a weekend of fun if she was still sad. Do you?"

The adorable five year old pondered on the question only for a little bit, her face immediately brightening up as she came to her own conclusion that her Aunt DJ and cousin Kai were okay. So she shook her head with a toothy grin in response to her mother's question.

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