🌠Spirits of the West🌠

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"Alright you guys! It's time for another movie!"

At the sound of Ally's sweet voice, all the children bulldozed their way passed her into the theatre room, eagerly getting prepared for the next movie they were going to see. Ally giggled to herself, Lauren appearing by her side to help with snacks and the pillow fortress setup. Meanwhile, Dinah and Normani were straggling behind, cleaning up the remains of the dinner they had moments ago.

Once the last few dishes were put in the dishwasher, Normani patiently waited for Dinah by the stairs, watching the blonde turn the lights off with a smile before taking her hand. Both women ascended up the stairs slowly, wanting that last moment of alone time before joining everyone else.

"So what movie are we watchin' tonight?" Normani asked softly, looking up at Dinah with curiosity.

Dinah looked down to meet the ebony's deep brown eyes, momentarily getting lost in them as she was trying to think about what movie to put in that night. It was the moment she saw that beautiful gleam in Normani's eyes that she realized the exact movie she wanted everyone to see, especially Normani.

"You'll see," Dinah said with a smile.

Normani giggled as she was brought into Dinah's body gently, wrapping her arms around her waist as Dinah's arm lifted to come up around the ebony's neck.

"It better not make me cry like Ally's movie did to her," Normani snickered.

"I can't make any promises," Dinah giggled, bringing her lips to Normani's cheek.

A few moments later, the two found themselves by the theatre doors. There was something Dinah wanted to do before they both went in to join everyone. The Poly remembered how Quincy had swept her off her feet, capturing her lips so suddenly that all she could do was melt into how warm and comforting he felt against her. She loved feeling that way. And she wanted just as badly to give that feeling to Normani. So that's exactly what she did.

Without a second thought, she spun the ebony around, holding her tight as their lips connected for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. Normani was slightly shocked, but the shock quickly wore off before she melted into the kiss, her arms coming up to wrap themselves around Dinah's neck, just to have her closer to her body.

The two were very careful not to make a sound, knowing that doors to the theatre were open. Luckily no one could see them, Dinah having the both of them behind one of the doors as a cover. It gave her the little confidence boost to slowly deepen the kiss, backing Normani gently into the wall so she would have no where to run to. Not that she would in this moment.

The ebony was too lost in the sweet taste of the woman she loved to even remember where they were. The two parted for air only for a second, immediately reclaiming one another's lips as Dinah's hands went from the shorter woman's tiny waist, to her filled out bottom.

The action caused Normani to breathe in deeply as she continued to kiss Dinah, one of her hands securing themselves on Dinah's shoulder as the other gently cupped Dinah's cheek. As much as she loved being taken in the arms of the blonde, in the back of her mind, she couldn't help but realize that all this was a result of her not being there for Dinah the way she really wanted.

Every kiss shared, every longing stare, every smitten smile, every soft touch was what was supposed to happen during the time Dinah was dealing with Lenny's death. Normani wanted so badly to take the blonde in her arms and take care of her. Everything Dinah was doing to her now, she wanted to do that and more to her years ago. But the fact that she had a loving husband and two beautiful daughters to take care of hindered her from doing so. And she couldn't feel any worse about it.

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