🐳🐬Aquarium Adventures!🐬🐳

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(Listen while you read: "Arpeggio Theme" from the movie August Rush)



Lauren and Normani


"I knew there was something between  you two!"

"A little louder won't you? I don't think our kids heard you clear enough."

Both women snickered as they conversed among themselves while keeping an eye on their little ones, freaking over every underwater creature they saw.

Lauren, Normani, and their kids had been at the aquarium for a little over an hour. The triplets and the twins wanted to go to every area in the vast building, so needless to say, the tiny troupe weren't even half way through the whole aquarium yet.

Lauren and Normani didn't mind though. It gave them a great opportunity to talk about something that was eating away at Normani for a while.

Her and Dinah had kept the fact that they had feelings for each other a secret from everyone they knew for years. The Texan figured that she could at least tell one of her sisters about it, and that's exactly what she did.

Lauren took the revelation surprisingly well, claiming she already suspected something was up between the two of them. That hunch didn't stop her from wanting to know details though, so she asked every question she could to Normani as they continued to talk.

"So when we were in New York and did that interview with Spotify," Lauren began.

"Me and her...we did some amazing things the night before," Normani finished with a bashful smile.

If it wasn't for her flawless complexion, Lauren had no doubt she would see how red the ebony's face got.

"So that's why you were looking at her like that," Lauren smirked.

"How so?" Normani asked, feigning confusion.

The Latina playfully scoffed before continuing.

"Mani, for pretty much the entire interview you were staring at her lips. Especially when it was her turn to answer a question. Then when she would look at you, she'd smile and bite her lip."

The ebony laughed smittenly at the memory, biting her lip as she got lost in her own little world.

"She must've been good at it if you can still remember it," Lauren snickered, causing Normani to playfully smack her arm.

"Anyway," she said, "her and I were basically all over each other that year. But then life happened."

"And by life, you mean Val and Lenny?" Lauren guessed.

Normani nodded with a small smile.

"Don't get me wrong," she said, "I love Val very much. And we have two beautiful little girls together. He makes me happy. And I know Lenny made Dinah feel the same way. It's just..."

"She's your person," Lauren said nonchalantly with a innocent smile.

Normani smiled smittenly, nodding in confirmation at the phrase.

"She really is. Her and I will always have that special connection. And it's because of that special connection that I'll always support her with whoever she decides to be with."

"So you're okay with her and Quincy being a thing?" Lauren asked curiously.

"Honestly," the ebony began, "yes. We all know how hard she took Lenny's death. She basically cut herself off from everything and everyone. If it wasn't for Quincy, I don't even think she would've planned this whole weekend out. He helped her get back to the Dinah we love. That alone proves to me that he's exactly who Dinah needs in her life. He cares for her just as much as Lenny did, and that's not something that happens often."

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