🐘🐒Goin' to the Zoo🐒🐘

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(Listen while you read: "WOLF" by SPECIAL OTHERS ACOUSTIC) 



Dinah and Ally


"Lizzie honey! You and Kai try not to run too far ahead of us ok?"

"Come on mommy! Me and Kai wanna see the baby elephants!"

Both women laughed as they watched their kids hold hands, running excitedly to the elephant section of the zoo. Dinah was a little surprised that the place wasn't crowded with people since it was a Saturday, but she was grateful for that fact. It eased her mind about letting Ally in on her and Normani's special relationship.

The elephant section of the zoo was interactive, so when Kai and Lizzie looked back to their mothers for the go ahead, Dinah and Ally both nodded with smiles as their little ones rushed in the open gate, being greeted by a mother elephant and her very affectionate baby.

Dinah and Ally took a seat in a nearby seating area, smiling at the laughter of their babies. While Dinah was still watching them, Ally turned around to face her, smiling knowingly because she knew Dinah was trying to find something to prevent her from spilling everything to her.

"Alright DJ," the short blonde said, getting Dinah's attention, "tell me about you and Manibear. I wanna know everything."

The short Texan bounced a little in her seat, causing Dinah to giggle as she playfully shook her head.

"Okay," the Poly said, breathing out a puff of nervous air from her lungs. "I don't know if you or Lauren noticed then, but back when we were promoting for our second album, Mani and I grew really close."

"We could tell," Ally replied with a smile. "At least I could. I can't speak for Lauren cause there was a lot going on with her that year."

Dinah nodded before continuing.

"There was. All that she went through got me and Mani thinking about things."

"Things like what?" Ally asked, her interest in the conversation peeking.

"Well," Dinah said, "before we were even put together as Fifth Harmony, Mani and I were already really close friends. Not necessarily childhood bffs, but during the competition she was the one I always gravitated towards. It was just icing on the cake that we ended up spending our careers with each other."

Ally smiled adoringly.

"Aw DJ that's beautiful. But I'm confused. What does that have to do with what happened back in 2016?"

Dinah nervously bit her lip, playing with her fingers as she averted her eyes from Ally's.

"What you and Lauren never knew...was that I had feelings for her for as long as I've known her."

Ally's eyes widened, her lips parting slightly as her whole body froze.

"Wow," she said in shock, "you've liked her for that long? At that point we had already been an active group for like...three to four years."

Dinah nodded wordlessly.

"Yeah. I mean at first it was just a simple crush. Then after the first year or so, my feelings started to grow the more we spent time with each other. People just always assumed we acted the way we did with one another because we were like sisters. And a part of that is true. We've been there for each other for everything. But the big reason for why we're the way we are with each other is because of how we feel for one another."

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