🎆I'm Friends with the Monsters🎆

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Once everything was cleaned up and put away, everyone in the Amasio household went to prepare for their first movie night of the weekend. Dinah, Normani, Ally, and Lauren all aided their children with getting them out of their swimsuits and into their pj's. Once the kids were taken care of, the adults discarded themselves of their outfits as well, substituting them for their own sets of pj's.

Once everyone got changed, they all met Dinah and Kai at the double doors leading to their luxury theatre room. As Kai hopped with excitement on the balls of his feet, Dinah asked everyone if they were ready to have the best movie experience of their lives. After receiving enthusiastic yes's from everyone, her and Kai opened the doors, and everyone's jaws dropped.

The theatre had a warm hue of red surrounding the luxury seats, as well as massive room for the little ones to sit on the floor in case they wanted to get a little closer to the screen. To the side of the row of seats was a little bar, filled to the brim with candy, drinks, and different flavors of ice cream. To the right side of the bar was a popcorn machine filled to the max with popcorn kernels, and stashed with popcorn bowls and buckets.

 To the right side of the bar was a popcorn machine filled to the max with popcorn kernels, and stashed with popcorn bowls and buckets

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Kai's cousins all gasped as they rushed their way inside, Dinah and the girls looking on with smiles.

"Lenny must've redecorated in here or something," Lauren said looking around, "this room looks far more fancy than what it used to."

Dinah laughed as she walked behind everyone inside, closing the door behind her.

"Yeah, him and Quincy wanted the room to look like as much of an actual theatre as possible. It took them about five months to finish everything."

"It looks incredible D," Ally said, helping Lizzie get popcorn in her bowl.

Dinah smiled at the short blonde before feeling a small tap on her thigh. She looked down and smiled at Kai with his candy in his tiny hands.

"What's up bug?" Dinah asked him.

"Can we show them the surprise now?" Kai asked hopefully.

Dinah's eyes lit up at the reminder of the surprise her and Kai had for everyone. She nodded her head happily as Kai ran to get the box from behind one of the theatre seats. As everyone settled in their seats with their snacks in their lap, Dinah and Kai stood in front of them with the box now being in Dinah's hands.

"What's in the box Aunt DJ?" Micah asked with a mouthful of twizzlers.

Dinah giggled as she opened the box, pulling out what looked like a hearing aid. But as everyone continued to look at what Dinah was holding, they could tell the contraption wasn't a hearing aid at all. While one of the pieces was shaped for the inside of one's ear, there was another piece attached to it that was circular.

"So," Dinah began, "a little while back, your Uncle Lenny got me and Kai these for Christmas. You know those VR things that gamers use to play video games sometimes?"

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