Chapter Two: Freshmen Year: Friends

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So it has been three days since I have started school and my brain has formed the same blur of waking up, getting dressed, going to school, going home, doing homework, showering, go to bed, repeat. I felt like a hollow shell doing nothing but existing. I didn't want to feel this way, I wanted to make friends, I wanted to go to school and see someone smile at my presence.

I remember walking into the gym locker room for the third time, on the verge of tears. I put my stuff in the only locker the school provided and sat down on the poles sticking out of the ground that was supposed to serve as benches. I looked around and allowed one tear to slip out of my eye and then quickly wiped it away.

Then I heard someone talking about the showers. Which were disgusting. It was an open area, the wall waist high and the actual showers were just poles with spouts sticking out of them.

I don't really know what came over me, but I walked over to them and said out of nowhere "The showers are disgusting aren't they? Just because we are all girls it doesn't mean that we want to all shower together or are comfortable seeing each other naked"

That's how I met Elina and Alyssa.

Alyssa and I had third period together and planned to hang out, while Elina had her own separate group of friends who I was soon to meet. We hung out all during PE, telling family stories and laughing at one another. I finally got that feeling I had been craving.

I wasn't invisible anymore. I had friends.


The next day Alyssa didn't hang out with me like she said she would. The next day she still didn't. I was starting to give up hope, then one day she met me after third period and took me to hang out with her friends. Jayden and Ruby. I hung out with them for three days before I started to drift away from them. They were very quiet and kept to themselves, which was not at all a bad thing. That was just not my style. I am wild and loud and crazy. I needed to be with people who were not afraid to scream at the top of their lungs. I needed to be with people who were always full of energy and social.

That's when I started hanging out with Emma. I met Aria, Geo, and Yellis. Aria was very quiet, which was okay. Gilbert had his own way of being so funny and shy with very few words. Yellis talked enough to be friendly but was still very closed off. This is also the day I met the person who was soon to be the closest person to me, the person who would have my back no matter what, this is the day I met my big brother Gabe Elvis

I also met other people this year.

First there was Sage, who I met in the lunch line while he was talking with Gabe. Then I met Seth. Who started dating Emma and since I was always with her, I was therefore always with him. I met Xander who was friends with Seth. I met David who I met because he asked me if I wanted meth (this is normal for him, as I was soon to find out). I met Adrianna who would soon make a great impact on who I am as a person.

I met Brianna who would become my partner in crime and who would never leave my side.

These people are who made me the person I am today, these people all played a role in who I develop into in their own special way. 

Word Count : 634

*Names have been changed

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