Chapter Six: Sophomore Year: Summer Flings and School Time Dreams

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So over the summer instead of relaxing in a air conditioned apartments I was outside running laps in the 100 degree heat. Here is where I met a girl named Hannah. Some of the freshmen were hanging out with Gabe and I, and one of these freshmen was Hannah.

I first saw her and my eyes lit up. I remember walking with Gabe and just going, "she so freaking cute" and he would always tell me to just go talk to her, and I couldn't because I am so antisocial and shy.

Eventually Gabe gave me her instagram and I continued to talk to her at home over text. Within two days of us talking we got together. Gabe recorded it too. We were together for a week, then Gabe got into a fist fight with her ex that she asked him to participate in. I recorded it, posted it online, and then sent it to her. She got angry and ignored me for four days, then broke up with me over text.

Towards the end of summer school I started texting Sophie again. We were talking a lot. Then one day we started talking about how we feel about each other.

That's how we ended up dating again.

And we were together for over a month, almost two. Then someone got in the way. Now I know this decision was dumb. Because Sophie was a sweet mature junior who was about 17. The girl I left her for was a 15 year old freshmen was still extremely immature and didn't know how to act her age. Her name was Veronica.

She made me think that being with Sophie was a bad idea, that it would be better to be with her. That was the worst decision I've ever made in my life. While Veronica felt nothing for anybody, and didn't have the intention of staying with me that long, Sophie truly, truly loved me and had the intention of staying with me for a long, long time.

I remember Sophie and had started a conversation one night about how we would have been, if we hadn't broken up. To that question I answered something that I had never told anyone before.

I told her that I wanted to marry her. I did, she thought that she was so horrible to me that I wanted nothing to do with her. That wasn't true. I wanted to wake up every morning next to her. I was always taught, and continue to believe that marriage is a serious thing. I believe that marriage was a thing invented by God that was never meant to be torn apart. So once you marry someone, when they say "till death do you part", that is very literal. The only way that you can leave someone before death, one partner or the other has to cheat on you, threaten your life, or your relationship with God.

So for me to want that says a lot. I remember leaving her in the first place though because I thought that she could find someone better. I do have confidence but I still have my moments where it drops and I think I am not worthy of anything.

Veronica was the last person I dated during the school year.

I'd had a couple of crushes and some close calls with dating. Most of all though I have made so many mistakes that I lost a lot of friends. I gained so much better ones though.

Word Count: 587

*Names have been changed

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