Chapter Five: Freshmen Year: Depression and Bullies

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Before I move on from freshman year and move onto sophomore year, I want to talk about depression and bullies as a whole.

For me these two things were seperated. I was not depressed because I was bullied and my bullies did not bully me because of depression. I wasn't even really bullied freshman year. It was more like I was protecting my friends from their bullies.

I was depressed because this was the time in my life where my mother and I started to really butt heads. So I guess you could say that my own mother was my bully.

I did not self harm in high school. I would go hang out by myself and sit alone, and silently cry. I didn't want anyone around me when I was depressed. I wanted to just lay in my own misery. This is where David comes in. Even when I ignored everyone and where I would try to act natural even though my eyes were clearly red and puffy from crying he still would sit next to me and ask me what's wrong. He wouldn't leave until I opened up to him and told him what was going on. That is a friend. A friend doesn't ignore someone while they are clearly upset. That is one reason why I am the way I am right now, because I wanted to show people the same care that David showed me.

I watch my friend go through depression two, some even worse than the occasional wave that I get. With a lot of them though, they deal with it all the time. They take medicine for it.

As for bullies, you remember Elina? Ok, now remember Geo? Cool, so Elina outed Geo to his entire family without Geo's permission. She told them about his bisexuality about his boyfriend, everything.

I remember she pulled up next to him and started yelling at him, demanding that he start answering his calls like it was his fault their friendship died. When the only reason why they aren't friends anymore is because she doesn't know how to keep her mouth closed. I remember at one point when she expected me to be on her side I finally had to tell her off. I remember she claimed multiple times that she would fight me, but all she did was walk right past me, mostly because I was three times her size.

I remember texting her and telling her if she ever wanted to fight I was right here waiting for her. She told me that she would indeed meet me at the store so we could go at it, she never showed up. I knew she wouldn't, because when it comes to bullies, a lot of the ones I deal with won't really do anything, they just use their words to put you down and make you feel scared, but they won't really do anything.


Word Count: 487

*Names have been changed

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