Chapter Four: Freshmen Year: Seth Harris, A loving Friend

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I didn't even get to go to his funeral. My mother wouldn't let me because she says that i'm not supposed to be close to the people of the world. I wish I had made her let me go. I loved that boy. No one knew but...there were small feelings there. But I was too scared to admit them. Because we were such good friends and I didn't wanna ruin that. It just wouldn't be a good idea for us to get involved with each other. I'm kind of glad he didn't, he would have gone as my enemy, and not my friend. 

I didn't go to in depth about who Seth was because I wanted to dedicate an entire chapter to him. He deserves an entire book series but for's just a chapter. Seth Harris was someone who everyone loved. Seth was a person who deserved it all.

Even though his sense of humor was a little iffy, you couldn't help but be drawn in by that smile and his laugh. I cared deeply about Seth. I remember we used to call each other the most foul names because that's how our friendship worked.

I remember we used to talk about getting an apartment together and being each other's wing man. Even after he and Elina broke up I was always with him because I was starting to drift away from Elina anyways, seeing that she was starting to prove that she was a bad person.

I loved Seth so, so much. He was like a big brother to me, he supported me throughout everything I came to him about. The last thing I did was fight with him. I called him a bitch and a man whore. I told him he didn't deserve my best friend. Monday I was going to apologize to him, until my heart was shattered in half. When the principal's voice rang over the speakers that ran throughout the entire school... "let us all take a moment of silence for student Seth Harris 9th grade who passed away this weekend".

This is some kind of sick joke, Is what I was first thinking. I desperately searched everywhere for him. Thinking, this is just a joke, this is just a joke. No, it couldn't be real could it? My best friend and big brother can't possibly be gone, can he? But...he was. No where did I see his classic hat or signature man bun. I cried for days.

No one can replace Seth Harris.

No one can come close.

Because Seth was his own person. He was the light of everyone's life. He made PE a little more bearable. After his passing I waited desperately every PE class for him to exit the boys locker room as I had always done, he never came out, and I cried every time the realization hit me.

I remember there was a period of maybe a couple weeks to a month where I was so angry, at myself at the world, even at God. Why did my friend have to go? Why do all the good people die first? Why? What did he do to deserve this?

Eventually I snapped, I punched the gym walls over and over, until my hand was swollen and bruised, scratched and bleeding. I was kicking metal door frames and lockers. I was so, so angry.

I wanted him back. I went home, hiding my injury from my mother, starting to shut her out. I buried my face into my pillow and screamed, then started to cry. I hated living, I wanted to join my friend for the longest time.

But thanks to the people closest to me I didn't. I love Seth, and I will see him again. I healed, and now I will never forget him, treasuring everything that he left behind. Including the mark on my heart. The mark my big brother left is one that will never be removed. Because Seth Harris was not someone who deserves to be forgotten. Seth Harris is a person who deserves to be celebrated.

Word count: 679

*Names have been changed

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