Chapter Seven: Sophomore Year: Big Brother and Best Friend

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Someone who was always there for me was the person that I had mentioned in a previous chapter. Gabe Ellvis. I remember how we hated each other at first. I remember I used to not be able to even stand the sight of Gabe. Then he got switched to my 5th period English class freshman year. That's when we really started to get close. Then we got even closer when he started to date my (at the time) best friends older sister.

Since I was always with my best friend who was always with her sister, Gabe and I were just kind of always together. As the year went on we got closer. I remember he used to ask me to go with him places, like to walk to go get his skateboard, or bike or something. His girlfriend hated me so much. I never really looked at Gabe like that.

To be honest I hated her. Gabe was my friend though, so I supported him before they broke up over the summer.

Our friendship almost didn't last, I was still hanging out with the person who I thought was my best friend at the time.

They tried to make me think that he was a bad person, and for a short time...I believed them. I pushed Gabe away. He used to always ask me if I hated him, if I was mad at him, and I always told him no, of course I wasn't mad at him. This was a lie.

Then I started noticing things. I started to notice that these people were not good people. The second I broke my "perfect" image, the second I made a mistake and did something that they didn't approve of, the second I stopped acting like them, they cast me out.

Gabe...He took me in. He didn't care about my mistake, and the many more I was soon to make. Gabe told me to my face that he was especially protective of me, he cussed someone out the second they messed with me.

He told me he would always protect me and be there for me.

There was a period of time though, when we weren't friends. I remember being in homeroom and opening my Snapchat (that I wasn't supposed to have), and getting a text from Sophie (who is still my friend to this day). The message she held broke my heart in half caused me to break down in tears...

"Seb. Gabe said to never talk to him again and to never put his name in your mouth"

Those four months were the most agonizing months of my life.

My big brother...

My best friend...

My support...

My entire world...

Was gone.

I was begging him to come back. I talked to mutual friends of ours to figure out what was going on. No one knew, the only person who knew what happened between us was Gabe. I truly did not know what I did and I missed my friend. I made new friends of course, but no one could replace Gabe.

Eventually though, we made our way back to each other. It was one of the happiest days of my life, when he accepted me back. He told me he missed our friendship and I told him I missed it too. I did. I missed it so, so much.

I had my big brother back...

My best friend...

My entire world...

Everything was putting itself back together, I had new friends, I got back my old ones, and everything was going great.

Or so I thought. 

Word Count: 598

*Names have been changed

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