Chapter Twenty One : Junior Year : Best Friend

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Freshmen year, health class. Condoms are supposed to stop things from being created, but this time...a condom created something...something beautiful.

We were put in groups. She was standing next to me.

This pretty little five-foot tall girl who seemed shy at first but made me laugh whenever she would open her mouth. So there was this mold of the male genitalia on the table and a condom for each of us girls. Brianna went first and she did it right on the first try.

She picks it up and holds it like a trophy. I laughed so hard that in the back of my head I knew that this would not be the last time I would be seeing her.

We end up in the same homeroom soon, and that's when we got close. She was my best friend soon. Someone I could go to with anything. No matter what I said she didn't judge me, didn't hold anything against me.

I did so many stupid things, I complained about the same things over and over, and she didn't care. She just talked me through it.

I remember a period of time during Sophomore year, it was just us. For months. Just Bri and I.

Then towards the end of the year, we started to like each other. I hurt her so bad. Twice. I know I did. Once when I left for someone who doesn't deserve me. Again when I left for being a coward.

Now fast forward to about three weeks before I go back to school. I explained to Bri why I left the first time.

I was afraid. I was so scared. This is someone who was so important to me, for almost three years. I thought that I would never be good enough. I would never live up to being the best person she's ever dated. She intimidated me, and because I knew how bad of a person I was, I left. So I wouldn't hurt her.

I hurt her anyways.

Then after I was done talking she told me she had something to tell me. She whispers in my ear, "I like you too".

Now. I finally get to go to school a few weeks later and I get out of this abusive relationship. The next day, I said something to Bri that I had practiced a million times to myself:

"Being my friend is hard, and I won't get offended if you say that because I know it's hard. But dating me is about fifty times harder. I get angry. I get jealous. I get possessive. I'm clingy. There will be days where I'll be all over you and there will be days where I'll tell you to never touch me. But...if you're willing to try...I'm willing to let you go out with me?"

It's a miracle she said yes.

Some people think it's too soon. The first time people saw me holding hands with her they just stared. All the people who claimed to miss me didn't say a thing to me, just stared at me like I was some freak.

That's okay though.

I know this relationship will go well. Because she's my best friend. We knew each other since we were freshmen.

The journey took two years,

But I'm glad it ended with us here...

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