Chapter Eleven: Sophomore Year: My Addiction

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It started when I was four. I was sick and my grandma would put that steam machine thing in my room to clear up my nose. She would also put that chest rub on me who's smell I still absolutely love to this day. She used to give me this medicine that tasted like oranges and I loved the taste.

Then when I got older I started taking things like benadryl and Tylenol. I took it every night because I felt as if I couldn't sleep without it. My mom had to hide it all from me so I wouldn't overdose. My tolerance had gotten so high that I was taking three or four pills at a time just to get that feeling I craved so much. That drowsy feeling. This was before I started popping pills that actually get you high.

Eventually I got diagnosed with really bad back problems. So I started taking harder things. Mama started giving me norcos and percocet to relieve this pain. The second I popped that first norco I was hooked. I loved the loopy feeling it gave. I loved that while I was on it all my problems weren't present in my mind.

I started to hate being sober.

I was prescribed muscle relaxers, that didn't help. Not only did it relax me, but it made me high, which was exactly what I wanted.

I couldn't stop after that. For three years I was going around, faking pain just so I could get that high. I craved it every single day. Until one day...I went against one of my biggest morals. I stole. I stole from the stash of norcos that my dad sells to make money, the norcos that kept a roof over our head.

I stole them just to wipe my memories for an hour. Then when I come back down I feel way worse than before I even went up.

I was stealing drugs and giving them to my friends too. My daughter Sierra and I planned on buying xanax and taking it together.

My best friend stopped me. I am glad she did. I would be addicted. I hope we stay best friends forever.


Word Count: 369

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