Chapter Twenty Three: Suicide

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The first time I was introduced to the concept of suicide was when I was ten years old. I was driving with my grandmother and there was a girl walking who just looked really sad. She sees us, and immediately tries to run in front of the car. My grandmother slams on the breaks and stops us from hitting her. The girl runs away unharmed.

It was that easy? To just take your own life? To just jump in front of a car and be crushed beneath it? Maybe slit your wrists and watch yourself bleed out. Wear a necklace of rope and let the air drain out like a balloon. I used to wonder, how could someone take their own life? Until I saw someone try. As if they had no doubt in their mind that they wanted to be gone. It was so easy for them to just end it.

It was that easy. It was that easy for that girl to just jump in front of my grandmothers truck. For her to take her own life as if it was nothing.

Later I then wanted to take my life. I looked back on this moment and dragged the scissors down my arm. I watch myself bleed more and more...and more. Then I stopped, I couldn't. I couldn't. I bandaged my arms and laid on them, to make sure they would stop bleeding.

Suicide rest in the back of my mind still. It's just easier to ignore now. This is a short chapter because I don't want to get too into it. I don't want people to think that I want to die. I don't, not anymore. I would like to believe I'm better now.

You can be too.

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