Supercorp | Getting Ready

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Lena's P.O.V.

"I have a meeting in ten minutes!" I practically yell, running around the apartment like a mad women.

"And you're going to get there in time, don't worry," Kara reassures me and I stop running around for a second to look at her doubtfully.

"And how am I to do that?" I start rushing around the apartment again, picking things up off the floor while also spraying on perfume.

"With the help of your superhero girlfriend," Kara says and immediately springs into action. Before I can rush out any questions, Kara has already picked me out an outfit and shoved it into my hands. By the time I'm done changing into the clothes, Kara has already made me toast.

"Eat this while I do your hair." Kara shoves the toasted bread into my hands and I munch on it while Kara gently, but quickly, brushes my hair. After I'm done eating, Kara, once again, super-speeds around the apartment and quickly does my makeup. After checking it in the mirror, I thank her graciously. Without a small smile, Kara hands me a toothbrush, already with toothpaste on it, and I hurriedly brush my teeth. Once I'm done, she quickly changes into her super-suit and picks me up carefully.

"You might want to bring a brush in your purse, your hair will probably get a little messed up." Kara grabs my purse and my brush for me, still carrying me around, then flies out the window.

In no time, I'm at L-Corp with three minutes to spare. Kara lands me gently on the balcony and then proceeds to comb through my hair one more time. I give her a quick kiss before saying goodbye. Kara wishes me good luck then shoots off the balcony and into the air. I make it to my meeting right on time.

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