Chapter 3

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I sat on the shores picking up small seashells and tossing them at the waves. I knew we all were in a mess. I knew the coven would be furious once they knew Slade killed Audrey.

I looked over my shoulder, they might have known already for all I knew.

Seagulls squawked above me as someone approached me from behind. I never jumped at every little sound before. But before I knew it I was ready to tear Hutch's arm off if I needed to.

"Easy!" he said.

I wrenched his arm behind his back. "You don't sneak up on me!"

I let go, trying to catch my breath.

"What's got into you?" Hutch asked, rubbing his arm, agitated with my manhandling. He couldn't make eye contact with me.

"I'm not sure. You scared me," I dropped down in the sand happy to see him, glad he was there to talk to. Somebody that knew what I went through.

"I've been walking down the beach everyday hoping I'd see you. Are you okay?" He took the spot next to me.

"How could I be okay?" I didn't know if I would ever be okay again. "Audrey is dead, Slade is gone and I might be put in jail for god knows what. I'm not doing too well."

Hutch stared at the water. "Where is Slade, Doll?"

"I have no idea. As soon as we left the car at the police station I never saw him again."

I thought back on that moment. Slade didn't utter a word, he stayed stoic as we wound our way through town in the back of the police car. I thought it best to go along with his silence.

"We were going to take off. But that never happened. And now we are in a whole lot of trouble," I said.

Hutch sighed. "Believe me I've seen quite a bit of this around here."

He meant the church. They were busy collecting the entire town to stand behind them and get rid of witches.

"The only place they don't set foot is near the beach," I told him. The mayor set a safety curfew and warned all the residents to stay away from the waters after five.

"They think bad things happen down here after dark," Hutch smirked. "It's all rather absurd the level of hatred these people house for those they don't know or understand."

"Ever since I moved here this is the way it has been. I hate to say it, but I think after what happened with me everything got worse," I said.

The thought made me sad. Slade could have lived in Cherry worry free if it weren't for me and the mess I made coming to town.

"These were all choices he made. Just like the one that ended Audrey. I'm assuming he killed her?"

I eyed Hutch. "If Slade didn't kill her, she would have killed Tucker. He did the right thing."

Hutch wiped his hands on his legs and stood up. "I'm not so sure about that. Tucker's family is average beings. Killing a witch never goes unpunished."

You didn't have to be all knowing to understand that. "Yeah, and now I wonder what that means for all of us."

I grabbed Hutch's hand letting him pull me up.

"I promised you I would help you," he reminded me.

I shook my head. "Hutch, you don't want to get involved in this. I don't even know what is going on and I know you should stay far away from it."

I saw my dad near the beach houses. "There's my dad. I got to go."

Hutch stayed put. "Before I take off, I want you to promise you'll be careful. If there's anything I can do for you, let me know."

"Goodbye, Hutch," I jogged across the sand; I didn't need anything from him. Needing anything meant involving him in my problems and I didn't want to do that.

I hopped over the rope, and before my feet were planted on the bike path two guys on rollerblades were headed right for me. I held my breath, closed my eyes and braced for impact.

"Shit," one of them said. I opened my eyes staring at the two of them in a heap before me. "Did you see that?"

I was confused.

"You almost killed me," I said, glaring at them. "Next time watch where you're going."

I moved around the two of them. Dad waited on the sands by Nona's house concerned.

"Next time watch where you're going, witch."

My blood boiled. I balled my fist turning around. I tried to stifle the swell of energy that pounded my chest into chaotic beats. My fingers tingled, this weird sensation took over my entire body and I knew something bad would happen if I didn't do something.

"What did you call me?" I asked. I watched the first guy stand up. He helped up his friend.

"I said watch where you're going. This is a biker's path, not the lane for you and your broomstick," he said. He found this amusing.

I stepped forward, extending a hand and before I knew what happened I sent both of them sailing backwards over the ropes into the sand.

I stared down at my hands, they trembled. And slowly everything made sense again.

Dad clamped down on my shoulder. "What are you doing?"

"He called me a witch. They almost killed me. I defended myself," I said.

"You're in enough trouble," Dad clamped down harder on my shoulder. "What are you trying to prove?"

I pulled away from him. "I defended myself. I have nothing to prove to anyone."

He shook his head. "Get inside, Hope. Tossing guys all over the beach isn't defending yourself. It's causing trouble. Trouble that you don't need."

I watched the two skaters in a hurry to get away. I used power I didn't know I was capable of.

"I didn't lay a finger on them," I said, I smiled.

"You think this is funny?" Dad asked. "I saw everything."

I rolled my eyes. "Then you would know I didn't lay a finger on them. I used magic." I started for the house.

"I don't want to hear about magic. This is real life, nobody is capable of magic," Dad said. "I think you and your friends have been watching too many of those cult movies."

I stopped right before the steps.

"What are you doing?" Dad asked growing agitated with me.

I waved a hand at the door, opening it. "What do you have to say about magic now?" I dropped my hand. The door slammed shut.

"I'd say the wind did it. And I'd tell you that I love you and I don't want anything happening to you," he said going up the stairs.

"Everything already happened to me. Don't you see that?" I sat down on the steps. Dad went inside.

He didn't want to admit that his daughter was something more now. I raised my hand guiding one of Nona's lawn ornaments across the lawn. Making it dance.

"Hope," Dad warned from inside.

I dropped it on the lawn. "Such a party pooper."

Sinful Magic (Book 3 of the Ink series)Where stories live. Discover now