Chapter 29

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"I can't believe I let you talk me into this," Slade said adjusting his hat over the black bandana underneath.

"You look great," I promised him smoothing out his white t-shirt.

He hung his aviators down the front of his shirt and gave me a pitiful look. It was almost enough to change my mind and tell him he that he didn't have to go the town meeting with me.

I tugged him by his belt buckle, and gave him a reassuring kiss on the lips. "It will be fine. And if anyone has a problem with it I will take care of it."

Slade gathered up the contents of his wallet and cell phone and slipped them in his pocket. "I'm not worried about the town, I've put up with the town for a long time."

I waited while he did a final check of himself in the hallway mirror. I never had seen him so nervous before. "Than what are you worried about?"

He shot me a disturbed look. Like I was supposed to read his mind—well I guess if I wanted to I could.

"Your father, your grandmother, your entire fucking family," he ticked off.

We headed down the stairs of the RV. I checked my image in my compact. "I will handle my father. I will handle everyone. And as long as you don't cuss like a sailor I think things will go alright."

He grabbed me by the arm. "I never hear you complaining about my dirty mouth."

We kissed again and more and more I wanted to go right back inside and forget about the town meeting altogether.

"I may like it, but my dad will just use it against you," I said. "And we are trying to avoid that aren't we?"

Slade nodded in agreement. "Let's get going before I change my mind."

I took his hand, trying my best to keep him comfortable and let him know that no matter what, I was by his side and it didn't matter what anyone thought. We were in it together, and allowed to be part of the town meeting as much as anyone else.


It didn't seem as much of a town meeting as it did a social gathering for all the upper class snobs in our town I thought as we entered the swanky hall. An excuse for the town to get together and do what they did best—judge everyone that wasn't like them.

I searched for Nona. She was the reason for my appearance. She insisted the entire family come. Any other time this was something we sat out of.

"Sweet pea," Nona said coming to stand beside Slade and me. She furrowed her red brows at the sight of Slade. I took her by the elbow releasing Slade's hand.

"Please be nice to Slade or I will leave," I told her. I wasn't going to let my family disrespect him anymore.

Nona nodded but preoccupied herself with the guest coming in. "I'll do my best."

"I would hope so because he means a lot to me," I told her, narrowing my eyes in warning. "I don't even want to be here."

Nona huffed. "I will be respectful of your boyfriend, who might I add wasn't that a few weeks ago."

I plastered on a fake smile. "Good. We are going to have a seat before all the festivities start." I hurried back to Slade.

"Kill me," Slade groaned as we made our way through the crowd to the table the rest of my family sat at, Elliot and Easton moved down making room for Slade and me.

Dad's expression changed in an instant when he found himself sitting next to Slade and I. The entire hall whispered into each other's ear. But I didn't care.

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